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There is no definitely age cause human are very to much but most men start with erection problems at the age of 50 although there is men at a earlier age. Sperm volume can happen at Any age cause the testicles is so sensitive for injuries. It depends of the physical health of the person.

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14y ago

Yes age does cause both the quality and quantity of the semen to decrease in years.

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13y ago

When first producing sperm it will be small amounts but the typical amount is approximately 5ml or a teaspoon. Age has no bearing on this.

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Q: Why does age affect erections and sperm volume?
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Boys can get erections at any age, and in fact it has been cited that babies still in the womb get erections. However, up until puberty, this is usually for different reasons. Before puberty, young boys can get erections due to friction from clothes, or from "adjusting" themselves. However, once they hit puberty, sexual desire and arousal will influence erections,

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It varies with the man. Smoking, diet, general health, age, medication, prescribed and street can all affect taste and consistency.

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Erections assist with sexual reproduction, to aid penetration.

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When do boys start having erections?

Males have erections before they are even born and experience them frequently throughout childhood and even sometimes when they are fully adult. Almost all of times the get an erections, it not due to sexual arousal it is simply something that "just happens". Baby boys often get erections while still in the womb.

Does diabetes affect male sexual performance?

Yes it does. Although no conclusive study has determined diabetes control levels (good blood sugar control or bad control) effects on sperm count. Logically if your control was near perfect you would see drastically lower effects on sperm count. In 65 adult diabetic men and 77 control men without diabetes, both groups without any problems as to fertility, the following characteristics of ejaculate have been compared: volume of seminal fluid, sperm concentration per milliliter, total sperm count, sperm morphology, and motility at 1, 3, and 5 hours after ejaculation. In the entire diabetic group, sperm morphology and motility at 1 hour after ejaculation was statistically significantly worse. In 15 diabetics without sexual disurbances only sperm morphology was statistically significantly worse compared with an equally large control groups. In 50 diabetics with erection disturbances, sperm volume and motility in three successive observations were statistically remarkably lower. In younger age subgroups, the differences between diabetics and nondiabetics were more marked than in older age subgroups. The patients' age, when diabetes was discovered in them, did not essentially influence the quality of the ejaculate where diabetes lasted 8 or more years. Diabetics over 40 years' age displayed a significantly lower sperm volume. The total sperm count and motility at 3 and 5 hours after ejaculation, with 12 or more years' duration of diabetes, differed from diabetes of 2 years' duration. On the basis of these observations a negative influence of diabetes on the quality of the ejaculate seems unquestionable.

Safe to release sperm at which age?

at age 12 i done it