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Yes. Alligators and crocodiles are the only reptiles that guard their young after they hatch. However they do not offer any more than protection. Beyond that young alligators must tend to their own needs.

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11y ago
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8y ago

Freshwater crocs will just wait for the eggs to hatch, put the newborns in her mouth, release them into the water and hope for the best.

But saltwater crocs break the eggs open and guard the babies for about 3 months or so.

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9y ago

They don't carry twigs to build a nest. They do gather up a pile of rotting vegetation, such as leaves, and lay there eggs in the pile. The heat released by the decaying plants incubates the eggs.

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15y ago

No.But if they see any predators near their nests they will come to protect their eggs

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13y ago

Some Do and Some Dont, Some Protect ther nests until there young are hatched and some leave them.

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11y ago

It matters on which type of reptile it is.

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10y ago

They do not take care of their young.

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Q: Does an alligator carry twigs to build a nest?
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