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'NR' means 'Not Rated'. Most if not all of these will be adult oriented.

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Q: Does an nr movie have inappropiate things in it?
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What does nr rating stand for?

Not rated. The movie doesn't have a rating.

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What is NR movie rating?

movie that hasn't been rated yet.

What is the difference between ur and nr in a movie?

Well UR stands for unrated and NR stands for not rated so there is really not a big difference but there is one small difference. UR movie are usually no released into mainstream movie theatres while NR movies unusually are. I hope this answers your question.

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KareKare nr Auckland.

Is Facebook ok for kids?

Well, yes and no. Depending on what a "kid" is... There are some inappropiate things on there, but if you don't search for them, you most likely wont see them. If you friend someone who searches inappropiate stuff, you will get the stuff they search. But you can block it so you dont see their stuff.

What is the movie The Perfect Nanny rated?

The MPAA did not rate this movie, so if you look it will say "NR" for not rated.

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Who says that? Club Penguin is not inappropiate, it is monitored by the workers who work for Club Penguin. If you DO do something like that you will get banned.

What is the most inappropiate show?

the god is there show