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There's no such thing as "an unbalanced force".

If the entire group of two or more forces on an object
is unbalanced, then the object's motion changes.

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2mo ago

Yes, an unbalanced force can change an object's motion by causing it to accelerate in the direction of the force. If the force is greater than the object's inertia, it can also cause the object to change its velocity or direction of motion.

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Q: Does an unbalanced force change an objects motion?
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Can change an objects motion?

unbalanced force(:

What is needed to change an objects motion?

an unbalanced force

Is it true that an unbalanced force will not change and objects motion?

yes every unbalanced force can change or "try to change (can be or cannot be)" the state of rest or motion

What does it take to change an objects state of motion?

it takes an unbalanced force to change an object's state of motion

An unbalanced force will not change an objects motion?

If the forces on an object are unbalanced then the objects motion will change. It will start accelerating in the direction of the resultant force. Only objects that have balanced forces will remain in the same motion (stationary or moving at a constant speed).

What is a common unbalanced force acting on objects in motion?


Can a unbalanced force change an objects motion?

Yes, an unbalanced force can change an object's motion by causing it to accelerate or decelerate in the direction of the force. It can also change the object's direction or speed depending on the magnitude and direction of the force applied.

Can unbalanced force change an objects motion?

Yes, an unbalanced force can change an object's motion by causing it to accelerate in the direction of the force. This could involve speeding up, slowing down, changing direction, or a combination of these movements depending on the force's magnitude and direction.

Does a force always change an objects motion?

Not necessarily. If the force is balanced (equal in opposite directions), it will not change the object's motion. However, an unbalanced force will cause an object to accelerate in the direction of the force.

What is a force that causes an object to change its motion?

I think this question is not phrased very well. Any force can change objects velocity (speed+direction). If fact that is the definition of the force - F=ma any force, by definition itself, can change objects velocity. Maybe you meant what force can change objects direction of motion? In that case - any force that has a different direction (not the same as direction of motion) Any force can change an object's motion.

Do a unbalanced force cause a change in motion?

Yes, an unbalanced force will cause an object to accelerate or change its velocity, resulting in a change in motion. The direction of the acceleration will be in the same direction as the unbalanced force.

A nonzero net force which changes and objects motion what is the word for this?

The name for such a force is either "non-zero net force" or "unbalanced force". The name for the change of motion is "acceleration".