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It goes after a semicolon. "And" is a word that finishes off a idea/list, so it has to go after a semicolon.

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Q: Does and go before or after a semicolon?
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Can you put a semicolon before and?

Typically, the semicolon implies " and" and therefore using and after a semicolon is redundant.

Do you put a quotation mark before or after the semi-colon that follows it?

The quotation mark would go before the semicolon, because the semicolon represents the beginning of a new thought in the same sentence.

Do you put a quotation mark before or after the semi colon that follows it?

The quotation mark would go before the semicolon, because the semicolon represents the beginning of a new thought in the same sentence.

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Do you use a semicolon before the word such?

Well, as long as such isn not the beginning of a list of things, such would not have a semicolon in front of it.

Where would it be appropriate to put a semicolon?

A semicolon is used to indicate a moderate pause in a sentence. It's primary purpose is to join together two independent clauses. For example: "I like to eat hotdogs; they go well with ketchup." Both clauses before and after the semicolon can function independently in their own separate sentences, and so a semicolon is appropriate to use to join them together in this case. A semicolon should not be used in place of or alongside conjunctions, such as "but, or, and" etc.

Where do you put an asterisk when there is a semi colon?

you put the asterisk right before the semicolon

What is an example of a sentence in which a semicolon is used correctly?

Correct Semicolon UseJudy wanted to go to the dance; however, the snow on the roads made them too slick and dangerous.

How many spaces do you put after a semicolon?

When using a semicolon you put one space after the semicolon.

What does semicolon mean?

A semicolon is a symbol that looks like this:;