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No. Topamax and Seroquel is better. They are probably giving you the Adderall for any ADD you may have or in some cases a mood stablizer. Mood stabilzers, such as Topamax which also has many other medical uses, work best with Seroquel.

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Q: Does anyone else take seroquel and adderall for bipolar II?
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Is controlling others and situations a symptom of BiPolar disorder?

no more than in anyone else.

How do you talk to somebody who has bipolar disorder?

Just like you'd talk to anyone else.

Bipolar disorders stereotypes?

Some common stereotypes about bipolar disorder include that it involves frequent mood swings, that everyone with bipolar disorder is violent or unstable, and that people with the disorder cannot lead successful lives. It is important to remember that individuals with bipolar disorder are unique and may experience a wide range of symptoms and levels of functioning.

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The same as anyone else. There may be periods when it is difficult due to symptoms, but they are still people first.

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Is Adderall used for ADHD?

no adderal is used to treat ADHD and narcolepsy other than that it isn't prescribed for anything else but a lot of people use it as a recriational drug and snort it to get a speed like feeling out of it. Actually, I have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and have been prescribed Adderall XR as a way to counteract the zombie-like effects I feel from taking my antidepressants. The Adderall gives me the energy and motivation to get up in the morning and be productive, whereas the antidepressants elevate my mood but leave me feeling lazy and lethargic. So yes, Adderall is an effective treatment for my bipolar disorder, when takin in conjunction with other medications. I've heard that takng Adderall alone may cause some bipolars to go into a manic phase, but I personally haven't had that experience.

Can you swet Adderall out of your system?

Yes, adderall comes out of your system just like anything else does. It can take anywhere from 2 to 6 days or long for adderall to sweat out of you.

What else will show up as Adderall on a drug test?


Can a cat scan show bipolar?

No, there is no physical means of detecting or confirming bipolar. It can only be diagnosed from symptoms. It is easily misdiagnosed as something else.

How long do people with bipolar disorder live?

Obviously depending on the seriousness of there BiPolar Case. But anyone with BiPolar can live just as long as someone who doesn't have it. some people take medicine for it or go to counselling. But BiPolar itself can;t kill you. the only way someone with BiPolar couldn't live as long as someone else. is if they killed themselves. there just like everyone else. just with bigger mood swings. and on the plus side many actors, artists have BiPolar because people with the illness are usually extremley creative and have a better understanding of the meaning of life. i know it sounds crzy but it's true. many BiPolar sufferers usually undersatnd the side of life other people don't. that's another reason they make great actors because of there understanding and imagination. A director once said. you don't need to be gay or Jewish be in this buisness you just need to be BiPolar.....

When was Anyone Else but You created?

Anyone Else but You was created in 2001.

What should you do with someone that has bipolar and wants to kill you?

Call the police. Don't attempt to talk them (or anybody else who wants to kill you, Bipolar or not) out of it. Call for help. Immediately.