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Asbestos does not form secondary pollutants. It is a chemically inert fiber.

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Q: Does asbestos form a secondary pollutant?
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Is ground ozone a primary or secondary pollutant?

Secondary Pollutant

Is Nitrogen oxide a primary or secondary pollutant?

secondary pollutant. deals with oxygen in air

Is hydrocarbon a secondary pollutant?

No. Hydrocarbon is a Primary pollutant.

What ozone layer is a secondary pollutant?

The ozone at ground is a secondary pollutant. It is also called bad ozone.

List two examples of secondary pollutant?

Volcanic gases and ash are two examples of secondary pollutant

How is ozone a secondary air pollutant?

A secondary pollutant is one that is not directly emitted by a point source. Ozone is not directly emitted - it requires the sun to form. It forms as a result of direct pollutants such as NO2 and volatile organic compounds.

What form of ozone is considered a secondary pollutant?

secondary pollutants are pollutants that form from chemical reactions that occur when primary pollutants come in contact with other primary polluants or with naturally occurring substances such as water vapor.

What bad things does the ozone?

The ozone at ground level is a pollutant. It acts as a secondary pollutant.

Is C02 a Secondary Pollutant?

secondary pollutant because of the it extracts a gas / smoke that contributed to global warming .

Why is acid rain a secondary pollutant?

yes it is

Why ozone is a pollutan when it is in the lower atmosphere and not a pollutant when in high?

Ozone is a pollutant. It is a secondary one. High ozone is good.

Why is ozone called a secondary pollutant?

Ozone is called a secondary pollutant because it is not directly emitted into the atmosphere. Instead, it is formed from chemical reactions between primary pollutants such as nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the presence of sunlight. These reactions produce ozone as a secondary byproduct, which can be harmful to human health and the environment.