

Does bee stings give you infections?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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Bee stings don't usually cause infections. There is no bee disease, viral or bacterial, that affects humans. Any infection at the sting site will almost certainly be a secondary infection caused by bacteria entering after the sting.

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No, nystatin and triamcinolone acetonide can not be used on bee stings. When combined nystatin and triamcinolone acetonide are used to treat fungal and yeast infections. Triamcinolone acetonide by itself can be used for bee stings.

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Can you give 3 examples of neutralisation in the home?

if you put vinegar on wasp stings it will help because wasp stings have alkali in it and vinegar is a weak acid but bee stings are different they are acidic so if you put toothpaste on it it will help (try not to get bee stings mixed up with wasp stings because it will hurt even more if you put toothpaste on wasp stings or vinegar on bee stings)

Do bee stings leave scars?

Bee stings do not usually leave scars.

When a bee stings you does it get very itchy?

Yes, bee stings often swell and then itch.

How does copper remove bee stings?

it is a special chemical inside the copper that removes bee stings

What happens if a bee stings?

The bee dies

What is special about a bee?

A Bee stings and taste its nectar

Superstition of a bee is in your house and it stings you?

There is a superstition of if a bee is in the home and stings it was due to the person swearing in front of the bee. This was believed because bees were considered to be divine messengers.

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What happens to the bee after it stings you?

It dies.

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