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It probably can have that effect. If you are underweight, you are probably not taking in as much of the essential nutrients as your body needs (carbohydrates, protein, and fat), and also in effect not receiving adequate vitamins and minerals. All of these can affect the body's ability to function properly. Also, it probably gives the female reproductive organs less to work with, meaning that the materials that the body would normally be using to create the nutrient rich tissue, the endometrium, which is what flows out during a period, would probably be used by the body for other purposes, such as tissue repair or energy.

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Q: Does being underweight make your period flow lighter?
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Why can a period flow be lighter than normal?

Many things can change the flow of your period, including stress, illness, and weight gain or loss. If it worries you see a doctor.

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This is completely normal. Most women have a much heavier flow the first few days of their period, and then the flow gets lighter and lighter for the last few days.

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It's impossible to say what menstrual flow will be like during your second period. Everyone is different, it may be lighter or heavier, there's simply no way to tell I'm afraid.

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some women will spot lightly around the time there period is due in early pregnancy. But it should not be bright red and follow the usual period flow (light, heavy, light) The best way to know is to test.

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No. it is just the pills making your periods lighter that usual. If you just started the medication it will take a month or two to get to its regular flow.

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Chances are it will. If your flow was lighter, then you'd be allright, but i know from personal experience that it will leak.

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No. Your period will stop as soon as the endometrial lining completely sheds. (Assuming that it is normal). However, if you take birth control your next "period" will probably be significantly lighter and shorter.

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late-later (in days) than expected. Short-shorter (in days) than normal, Light-light flow.

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Closing balances on cash flow are opening balances for the next period and therefor added

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You really can't stop the flow and how much. There is one exception and the flow lessens with the use of birth control pills and some perscriptions that the doctor can give you to help with heavy period.

Can stopping the birth control pill make your period longer?

When you take the birth control pill, you can expect shorter and lighter periods. When you stop the pill, your periods go back to their natural length and heaviness of flow.