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Yes it does, you should drink lots of fluid afterwards so that it will replenish itself.


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Q: Does cerebrospinal fluid replenish itself after lumber puncture?
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Why would loss of cerebrospinal fluid be problematic?

Loss of few milliliters of cerebrospinal fluid will not cause any much problem, as in lumber puncture. But loss of larger quantity may lead to herniation of brain tissue, in either direction, leading to death of the individual. There are also chances of infection, leading to meningitis. That is very difficult to treat.

Which is an example of good flood preparedness?

Replenish emergency building materials such as sandbags, plywood and lumber

Where in the vertebral column is a lumber puncture generally done?

in adults its done at L3 and L4 or L4 and L5

Where is cerebrospinal fluid?

Cerebrospinal fluid is found in the ventricles of the brain (which are inside the cerebral cortexes and the cerebellum) as well as flowing around the meninges of the brain and spinal cord (on the outside of both structures).

Why ct scan done before lumbar puncture with meningitis?

bla . bla. lumber punkture is chu chu.. meningitis and the ct scan klerbatush...

What is the biggest challenge in the lumber industry today?

Deforestation. How do we sustainably make use of the Earth's natural resources? They will replenish, but only if we actively consider it while we take wood.

What is the clear colorless fluid that functions to protect and nourish the brain and the special cord?

That fluid is called as cerebrospinal fluid. It can be taken out from between the third and forth lumber vertebrae. Local anesthesia injections can be given from there.

Can lumber puncher cause permanent headaches?

A Lumbar Puncture may cause headaches. If it persists you may need to go back to the place you had a proceedure and they may have to do a blood patch.

How are conifers economically important?

Conifers are economically important because of their efficient production of lumber. Hardwoods are more difficult to process, too expensive, and the trees take a long time to replenish.

What could ancient Egypt not provide for itself?

One of the products that was routinely imported was lumber.

Is lumber a non renewable resource?

Yes, lumber from forests is a natural resource.

Why is a lumber puncture done in the small of the back?

The Lumbar Spine refers to the bottom six vertebrae in the spine. Most strain on the Lumbar spine occur between L4 and L6, where the back bows. This forces blood from the rest of the back to flow over to even-out the blood flow in the back. Therefore, the small of the back has minimal blood flow, making a puncture easier.