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Unlike most other drugs, THC is fat-soluble: it stores itself in your fat cells. That's why drinking water won't do anything to remove it from your system, and that's why it takes such a long time to get it out of your system. Drugs like opiates or cocaine or speed stay in your bloodstream, so you can pee them out in a few days, but since THC stores itself in your fat cells, you basically have to work it off, like, exercise it off, which takes weeks, depending on your height and body weight. If you're short and skinny and you exercise a lot, you might have to stop smoking for only 2 weeks or so, but if you're large and you don't exercise, you'll have to wait a month, or even six weeks.

If you want to cleanse your system more quickly, there are also detoxifying drinks you can take. I took one once (with success); it was called "Herbal Clean." You can buy them at GNC or other health stores like that. Except, they're just called detoxifying drinks or something. But if you ask the salespeople, they will usually know what you're talking about, and will find it for you.

Note that buying these drinks for the purpose of fooling a drug test is illegal. However, buying the drinks for any other reason is not illegal. So, do not say to the salespeople, "I need a drink to pass a drug test." Tell them, "I want a drink that will detoxify my system of drugs so I can get healthy." As long as you do not tell anyone that you want to pass a drug test, it is perfectly legal.

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14y ago
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15y ago

If by "THC" you are referring to tetrahydrocannabinol (the active substance in marijuana), the answer is no. "Colon-cleansing" products (largely snake oil anyway) do not rid the bloodstream of chemicals such as THC. Their main action of these products is to cause diarrhea, which (unnecessarily) clears out the fecal matter from the colon, but doesn't do much else.

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13y ago

There is no product that can clean marijuana out of your system. THC is stored in fat cells, and it has one of the longest cleansing times of all of the illegal and legal drugs. All of the so-called cleansing methods are either bogus or dangerous. At the very least, most of them will show up on a drug screen as an attempt to subvert the test, such attempt counting as a positive. Bottom line: If you don't want to test positive, don't do the drugs. Sorry, but that's the truth.

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13y ago

The same amount of time as though you had not taken 'herbal clean'.

Lots of water drinking is the only way and that could take a long time.

Figure that the halflife of THC metabolites in your body is between 2 and 10 days. That is when one half of the drug is gone. It would then take another 2 to 10 days for half of that amount to be reached, so we are at 4 to 20 days, so far. The drug will diminish by yet another halflife of another 2 to 10 days . . . the total time, now, is between 8 and 40 days.

At about this point, the amount of drug in your urine may be low enough to pass testing.

Whether it takes 2 days or 10 days, or in between per halflife is totally dependant on the amount of fat you have, the amount of water you drink, the efficiency of your liver and kidneys, your nutrition level, and on and on.

So there is no single answer to your question, but I would plan on at least a month for the metabolites of THC to be detectably out of your system.

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13y ago

Yes, remember to get enough chlorine in your system as possible by guzzling down large amounts of pool water in a short amount of time. Worked for me and I passed my drug test.

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