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∙ 3mo ago

Yes, most close-up toothpaste products contain fluoride, which is known for its ability to prevent tooth decay by making the enamel more resistant to acid attacks from plaque bacteria. It's always best to check the specific product label to ensure fluoride content.

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Q: Does close up toothpaste contain fluoride?
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Related questions

How much fluoride is in your water?

The fluoride level in water can vary depending on location. It is recommended to contact your local water utility or visit their website to request information on the fluoride concentration in your water supply.

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What is the SWOT analyses of Close-Up toothpaste

Is children's toothpaste edible?

No, children's toothpaste is not edible...if it contains fluoride and it will make you or a child very sick. "Toddler" toothpaste does not contain fluoride - so check the container if you are not sure which type of toothpaste is being questioned.The U.S. poison control centers receive thousands of calls each year due to fluoride poisoning. Early symptoms include stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, fever and excessive saliva. In rare cases, cardiac failure can occur.Most tubes of children's fluoride toothpaste made in the USA contain enough fluoride to severely poison a child who weighs up to 62 lbs. if the whole tube is ingested. The smaller the child the less toothpaste is needed to be toxic.Excessive toothpaste use by children under the age of 8 can result in the development of fluorosis in the form of small white specks on the teeth or more severe discoloration and roughness. This damage is found on the child's permanent teeth.Prevention:Children's toothpaste should be placed on the brush in an amount roughly the size of a pea.Keep toothpaste and all medicine out of reach of small children.Always supervise children up to age 6 while they brush their teeth to make sure the toothpaste is being spit out.

Why do you throw up after a dental cleaning and fluoride treatment?

because the toothpaste has a bad taste

Why should one seek emergency medical attention if they accidentally swallow fluoride toothpaste?

One should seek emergency medical attention if they accidentally swallow fluoride toothpaste because in concentrated amounts, fluoride may cause severe stomach problems. Other symptoms of fluoride poisonig are diarrhea, convulsions and slow heart rate.

Can diabetes cause a soap taste in mouth?

Diabetes doesn't usually cause this, but fluoride poisoning does -- switch to a toothpaste with less fluoride, have the fluoride levels of your water checked, and get a good physical check-up by your doctor if it doesn't go away.

Why is cellulose gum used in close up toothpaste?

Cellulose gum is used in Close Up toothpaste as a thickening agent to give the toothpaste its desired texture and consistency. It also helps the toothpaste maintain its stability and prevent separation of ingredients. Additionally, cellulose gum can contribute to the overall feel and spreadability of the toothpaste during brushing.

What would cause a soap taste in your mouth when you are eating?

It could be any number of things, including fluoride poisoning. Switch to a toothpaste with less fluoride, have the fluoride levels of your water checked, and get a good physical check-up by your doctor if it doesn't go away.

Which is the most hot flavors of close up toothpaste?

Menthol chill

What is name of male model in close up toothpaste ad?


What elements make up hydrogen fluoride?

Fluoride is an ion consisting of a single atom of fluorine atom with a -1 charge. The fluoride in toothpaste and other dental products is sodium fluoride , consisting of sodium, and fluorine.

What element might you find in your toothpaste?

Two common one would be Tin and Fluorine, which make up the anti-cavity compound Stannous Fluoride.