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Coffee does not affect the accuracy of an STD blood test. There is no need to fast or take any special preparation before blood tests for STDs.

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Q: Does coffee affect the accuracy of an STD blood test?
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No. You can and should drink red bull before fasting labs. The diet red bull, of course. This is much better for you and will not affect the blood test.

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Water. Anything else will affect the glucose levels...including black coffee.

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It is possible, but not likely.

Can you drink black decaf coffee before a blood test?

User responses: No. From what I have read caffeine does affect cholesterol levels and/or the way they can be interpreted when reading results of a cholesterol blood test. I would suggest that you be clean of any caffeine - three or more days ahead of time - to obtain a caffeine-free result.Advice seems to vary. Some say that black coffee (no sugar, no milk) is fine. Sources for that listed below.

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A pap does not affect the accuracy of a pregnancy test.