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No. Condensation will occur when they air gets cooler.

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Q: Does condensation of water vapor occur when air gets warmer?
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Does condensation occur when water boils and becomes water vapor?

No. That is vaporization. Condensation is when a gas changes into a liquid.

What may occur as water vapor cools in the atmosphere?


Is the temperature at which Condensation of water vapor can occur?

Dew point.

What happens to your breath when it is 90 degrees Fahrenheit outside?

The reason you can see your breath in cold weather is because the water vapor in your breath is condensing (condensation). You can't see it in hot weather because condensation can't occur in warmer weather.

Why can more water vapor be present when air is warmer?

There is more water vapor present in the air when it is warmer because it is hotter and it causes more evaporating to occur and the liquid is turning into a gas.

What is the name for the process by which water vapor becomes liquid water?

Condensation causes water vapor to become liquid water.

What are situations in which evaporation could occur?

Condensation can occur on a window or a mirror, due to the water vapor and/or steam from a hot shower.

What is condenstaion?

Condensation is the change from water to gas which form into a liquid water (water vapor). In the atmosphere when warm air rises, cools and looses its capacity to hold water vapor that is generally when Condensation will occur. As a result excess water vapor condenses to form cloud droplets which is known as rain.

How do evaporation and condensation change the form of water?

Water to vapor and vapor to water are the results of evaporation and condensation, respectively.

What is the process that changes water vapor to liquid water?

CondensationCondensation is the process by which water vapor changes to liquid.

What is condensation in the sky?

Condensation on the sky is water vapor

when water vapor gets cold it turns into a?

When water vapor gets cold it condenses into condensation.