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1d ago

Yes, condensation occurs when gas particles lose enough thermal energy to transition into a liquid state. As the gas particles cool down, they lose kinetic energy, causing them to move closer together and eventually form liquid droplets.

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Q: Does condensation take place when the particles of a gas lose enough thermal energy to form a liquid?
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What happen-eds during condensation?

the particles in a gas lose enough thermal energy to form a liquid.

Condensation takes place when the particles of a gas lose enough thermal energy to form a liquid?


What occures when particles in a gas lose enough thermal energy to form a liquid?

When particles in a gas lose enough thermal energy to form a liquid, they undergo a phase change called condensation. During condensation, the particles come closer together and transition from a disordered arrangement in the gas phase to a more ordered arrangement in the liquid phase. This process releases energy in the form of heat.

What is the process where a gas loses thermal energy then becomes a liquid?


What definition occurs when particles in a gas lose enough energy to form a liquid?


How can a liquid expand without changing state?

A liquid can expand when thermal energy is absorbed which is known as thermal expansion, but the thermal energy is not enough to change the liquid's state. When there is enough thermal energy, the liquid may change to a gas if the particles move fast enough to escape the liquid or it may change to a solid if the thermal energy is released from the matter.

What happens to the thermal energy when a solid melts?

When a solid melts, thermal energy is absorbed to break the bonds between the particles. This increase in thermal energy causes the particles in the solid to gain enough kinetic energy to overcome the attractive forces holding them together, resulting in the solid turning into a liquid.

A person places a metal spoon that is at room temperature into a bowl of hot soup how will the thermal energies of the spoon and the soup be affected?

the spoon will increase in thermal energy, and the soup will decrease in thermal energy. Reason: Thermal energy is the total of all the kinetic and potential energy of the atoms in an object. When the thermal energy of a substance increases, its particles move faster. If the thermal energy of a solid increases enough, it melts into a liquid. The liquid state of a substance always has a higher thermal energy than its solid state. If the liquid continues to gain thermal energy, its particles speed up more. When the particles of a liquid have absorbed enough energy to escape the forces between them, the liquid becomes a gas. The substance has undergone another phase change. As the total kinetic energy of the particles in an object increases, the object gets warmer. Heat flows from a warmer object to a cooler one.

How does the particle theory explain condensation?

In the particle theory, condensation occurs when gas particles lose energy and come closer together, forming a liquid. This happens when the temperature of the gas lowers to the point where the particles no longer have enough energy to stay in a gaseous state. As they slow down and come closer together, they form a liquid through the process of condensation.

This may happen is a gas cools enough?

If a gas cools enough, its particles will lose energy and slow down. Eventually, they may lose enough energy to form a liquid or solid, transitioning from a gas to a liquid or solid state through a process called condensation or deposition.

What occurs when a gas particles lose enough energy to form a liquid?

condensation. eg is like in clouds, water vapour changes to water droplets ^^

What occurs when particles in a gas lose enough energy to form a liquid.?

condensation. eg is like in clouds, water vapour changes to water droplets ^^