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Q: Does copper wire snap when it is over a flame?
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What happens when a piece copper wire is heated in the outer region of the flame until its red hot?

The copper wire glows red. Once it cools...the copper reacts with the air to produce copper(II) oxide. This is shown by the black tarnish on the copper wire.

What happens to the matter in copper wire when heated?

The matter in copper wire melts then explodes into a green flame

How do you test the copper two ions?

A Flame Test. Using a platinum or nichrome wire. Clean the wire in hydrochloric acid, Then dip the wire into a solution containing copper(II) ions. e.g. copper sulphate solution. The pass the wire through a Bunsen burner flame. The flame should burn a green/blue colour.

What happens when copper sulfate is mix with steel wool?

Fe + CuSO4 -> FeSo4 + Cu it's a single replacement reaction The steel wool becomes copper plated.

What happens when a copper wire is placed over a burning candle?

The candle's flame appears to go out, but the candle is still burning. In reality, the coil of copper wire is conducting heat away from the candle flame. If you remove the coil of wire, the flame reappears. Hope this helps!

Why would copper wire be unsuitable for use of flame tests?

Copper wire would not be suitable for use in fame tests due to the fact it would cause the flame to change colour (usually to green). The experimenter wants to observe the colour change produced by the sample, not the wire.

Aluminum has a specific heat capacity more than twice that of copper Place equal masses of aluminum and copper wire in a flame and the one to undergo the fastest increase in temperature will be?


What is the evidence that indicates that both physical and chemical changes occur when a copper wire is heated in a Bunsen burner flame?

When a copper wire is heated in a Bunsen burner flame, the copper's color changes to become a glowing red. It won't be restored to its original appearance after cooling. Instead, it becomes a black material called copper (II) oxide, which is 79.9% copper and 20.1% oxygen (was 100% copper before it was burned). This chemical change occurred as the oxygen in the air combined with the copper during the heating process.

Where can you get zippo with green flames coming out of it?

Zippo does not sell a lighter that has a green flame. In order to achieve a green flame, you'd have to use chemicals such as Copper Sulfate or Boric Acid dissolved in methanol. You would take the Chemical and Methanol solution and add it to your lighter fluid. Another option is to have a piece of copper such as a wire suspended in your flame. It is best to sand the piece of copper.

In chemistry platinum wires are imbedded into glass rods for flame test experiments. why is copper wire which is cheaper and readily available not used instead?

because platinum isn't a conductor, as apposed to copper which is a very high conductor.

What are the elements in a copper wire?

If the copper wire really is pure copper then the only element in the copper wire is copper (Cu).

Why is wire better than copper wire on an electromagnet?

whty is copper wire not better than wire on a electromagnet whty is copper wire not better than wire on a electromagnet whty is copper wire not better than wire on a electromagnet whty is copper wire not better than wire on a electromagnet whty is copper wire not better than wire on a electromagnet