

Does cryogenic freezing work

Updated: 5/22/2024
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15y ago

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This is a very general question.

Cryogenic freezing works depending on what materials you are trying to freeze, what problem you are trying to solve, and what kind of results you are expecting.

Cryogenics works well on metals. It works best on steels with high carbon contents. It also works quite well on aluminum.

If you are having wear problems, dimensional stability problems, fatigue problems, cracking failures then cryogenic treatment could be a good solution for your problem.

Often these problems are fixed completely. Sometimes, life can even be increased 100% to 300% for certain parts.

What are you trying to cryogenically freeze?

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2w ago

Cryogenic freezing is a process used to preserve biological materials at very low temperatures. It is commonly used for the preservation of sperm, eggs, embryos, and tissues. While there are successful cases of cryopreservation, it does not work for all types of cells and tissues. The success of cryogenic freezing depends on the type of material being preserved and the techniques used.

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14y ago

At the present time it is impossible to cryogenically freeze someone alive. No way exists at present to take the cells of the human body much below the freezing point of water and bring that person back. Ice crystals form and destroy human cells.

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Yes, on amphibians, reptiles and the like. No humans yet.

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it is used for foods such as strawberries or other kinds of berries which do not freeze well using conventional quick-freezing methods. can also be used for foods suck as shrimps which as high priced and have little moisture

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Examples of cryogenic gases include liquid nitrogen, liquid helium, and liquid oxygen. These gases are cooled to extremely low temperatures to achieve their liquid state for various industrial, medical, and scientific applications.

What is cryogenic agent?

Cryogenic freezing- is freezing the outer layers of the food beyond its freezing point while the inner part of that product remains warm, Its basically done to preserve foodorCryogenics is the branch of physics and engineering that involves the study of very low temperatures- how to produce it and how materials behave at those low temperatures.

Does freezing yourself for another time really work?

No. Freezing destroys the cells.

What is cryogenic freezer?

A cryogenic freezer is used to bring components inside the freezer down to cryogenic temperatures. Many cryogenic freezers are available for all sorts of applications. Cold boxes with added ln2 capabilities can refrigerate parts and then complete cryogenic processing cycles. Additionally, cryo freezers are available to freeze sex cells, stems cells, and more. Sometimes people are frozen after death, which is called cryonics. I have added a site below that has cryogenic freezers and processors available.

Is liquid nitrogen flamable?

No, liquid nitrogen is not flammable. It is a colorless, odorless, non-flammable cryogenic liquid. It is used for freezing, cooling, and preserving biological samples and materials.

What rhymes with photogenic?

cryogenic :)