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it is not the heat particle that expand it is the intermolecular space between them increases by particles moving further apart and all particles move apart by gaining kinetic energy but not at the same time.

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Q: Does each air particle expand as air is heated?
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Does Air expand when its is heated?


When air is heated?

Correct answer= it become "expand"

Why an inflated balloon is heated why it bursts?

the heat caused the air inside to expand.

When water is heated does it expand or contract?

No. The only change is the change from liquid to gas and all that happens is the particles in the water start to move faster and start to separate from one another. One particle is lighter than three and because it is hot it is less dense than air so it rises. :)

What happends to air when its heated?

In accordance with Boyle's Law, if the volume of the air is restricted, the pressure will increase. If there is no volume restriction, the air will expand.

When air is heated gases do what?

its pressure will increase if it is placed in a fixed container, or it will expand if it is free to do so

How much does air expand when heated?

it depends on how much it is heated for example when lightning is released it expands the air by thousands of degrees by heat of it.and there is a big banging sound known as thunder

Does warm air take up more space?

yes, as the particles of air are heated, it moves more rapidly, which causes it to expand

How do molecules in a hot air balloon act when heated?

When the air is heater, the molecules move faster and expand to fill the volume of the container.

What things that change color when heated?

Adding heat is increasing the average kinetic energy per particle. All particles are constantly moving wheter it's a gas floating freely through the air or a solid particle vibrating in place. Adding heat causes these particles to move faster which often causes them to expand. Adding heat to a closed gaseous system will cause more particle collisions with the walls of the container which increases the pressure.

How does convection happen?

Liquids and gasses tend to expand when heated, this lowers the density, thus warm "air" rises and cool air falls.

Why do balloons expand by hot heat?

Answer:The air inside the balloon gets heated and expands as the air molecules move apart due to temperature.