

Does energy conduct heat

Updated: 9/20/2023
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12y ago

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It depends on which energy your talking bout, sometimes it does though.

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Q: Does energy conduct heat
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conductors conduct heat and electricity, and insulators keep the heat in. inductors give away energy as heat.

Do liquids conduct heat well?

no, metal is the best heat && energy conductor.

What are nonmetals sometimes called because they do not conduct heat and electricity well?

bad conducters or poor conduct of heat and light energy

Can heat be conduct through vacuum?

Yes, heat is an electromagnetic energy like light.

Is conductivity a metal?

Yes, metal will conduct heat energy

Is metal a thermal conductivity?

Yes, metal will conduct heat energy

Doese light conduct heat?

Yes light conducts heat. As light moves, it transfer kinetic energy to and from objects in which it produces heat as it transfers energy.

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This is useful because we can conduct heat and use it for human use

Do thermal insulators conduct good heat?

No. The definition of an insulator is: something that inhibits the flow of energy (heat, light, electromagnetic, electric current) from one region of space to another. Therefore thermal (heat) insulators do not conduct heat.

Material that conducts thermal energy well?

All elements will conduct heat to some extent. metals conduct heat and electricity the best; metalliods conduct heat and electricity good too but not as good as metals. nonmetals are poor conductors.

Does matter conduct heat energy?

Ye, but this characteristic is extremely different between materials.

Are coins conductors or insulator of thermal energy?

Being metal they conduct heat AND electricity.