

Does fire respond to the environment?

Updated: 5/20/2024
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13y ago

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No, only living things can respond to stimuli and fore is not alive.

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7y ago
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3y ago
You should explain your answer more .
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is everyone coming to this from asu school
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13y ago

Not only does fire respond to the environment, it gives back to the environment. For example, the carbon in wood can be ignited with enough energy from say a lighter, which starts a chain reaction of events. What is happening is that the carbon atoms in the wood are attaching to oxygen atoms in the air. This combination occurs and releases photons in the process, so this is what we see as fire.

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Lvl 1
3y ago
no, they just keep on burning. They arn't living

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2w ago

Yes, fire can respond to its environment. Factors such as wind speed, fuel type, and surrounding terrain can all influence the behavior and spread of a fire. Firefighters use this understanding to predict fire behavior and develop strategies for containment.

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11y ago

A fire produces CO2 - this will cause global warming. They also may burn trees down (these trees would have absorbed CO2 as part of photosynthesis) and with less trees less CO2 is absorbed therefore more CO2 is remaining in the atmosphere therefore more global warming happens.

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13y ago

It kills the animals and also it destroys the nutrients inside the plants that the animals eat and then there is a good chance the animal will die

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9y ago


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The two pieces of safety equipment used to respond to fires in the lab are fire extinguishers and fire blankets. Fire extinguishers are used to put out small fires by spraying a fire-suppressing agent, while fire blankets are used to smother fires and wrap around individuals to protect them from flames.

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Argon can be used to suppress fires by displacing oxygen in the surrounding environment, which suffocates the fire. By reducing the oxygen levels, argon creates an environment where the fire cannot sustain itself. This method is commonly used in fire suppression systems in areas where water or other extinguishing agents may not be suitable.

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A fire watch at a nuclear plant is responsible for monitoring hot work activities, such as welding, to ensure that they do not pose a fire hazard. They must remain vigilant for any signs of fire or smoke and be prepared to respond quickly in case of an emergency. Additionally, they may assist with fire prevention measures and conduct regular inspections of fire safety equipment.

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There is no natural occurrence of purple fire. However, certain chemicals and metals can be used to produce a purple flame in a controlled environment, such as in fireworks or chemical demonstrations.