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Q: Does folding of the crust produce anticlines and synclines?
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Does folding the crust produce anticlines and synclines?


What produces anticlines and synclines?

Tilting and folding of rock layers due sinking, uplifting, stretching, or compression of the crust usually from plate movement.

The type of mountain involving huge sections of the earth's crust being pushed up into anticlines and synclines is the?

A fold mountain is the type of mountain involving huge sections of the earth's crust being pushed up into anticlines and synclines. It often occurs when two continental plates collide.folded mountain

The type of mountain involving huge sectionsof the Earth's crust being pushed up into anticlines and synclines is the?

i think the answer would be folded mountain

What is a fold in the earths crust?

A fold is a bend in a rock layer. Some folds are a few centimeters wide and others cover several kilometers. Sometimes the rock folds enough to turn completely over, and these places are called overturn, or recumbent, folds. Some folding rock layers break from the forces within the crust of the earth and these places are called faults. Folds where the rocks have been pushed upward but not turned upside down are called anticlines and the depressions between the anticlines are called synclines.

When two plates collide causing crust to deform but not break it is called .?


Large-scale folding of the earth's crust may be caused by what?

Large-scale folding of the earth's crust may be caused by what?

What is the movements in the crust that cause the faulting or folding of rock?


Faulting is to gently contoured mountains as folding is to what?

Folding and faulting in mountains occurs because of the movement of lithospheric plates as described in the theory of plate tectonics. Continent to continent collision compresses the crust and its sedimentary cover rocks, displacing and distorting them upwards (folding) and fracturing them (faulting). Folding and faulting can also occur in oceanic crust-continental crust collisions, in areas above subduction zones.

Folding of rock layers occurs where pieces of the Earth's crust?


Movements in the crust that cause the faulting or folding or rocks is called?


What is diatrophism?

It is the deformation of the Earth's crust by such geologic processes as volcanism, faulting, and folding.