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'ear flap' isn't very helpfull, youre either talking about your lobes,which dosent hurt,your cartlidge which dosent hurt if you get it with a stud gun,or your tragus,which kind of hurts,it must be done at your local,trusted piercer.

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Q: Does getting your ear flap pierced hurt?
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No, it doesn't. If it were that bad no body would be getting it done.

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It doesn't hurt. Unless it gets infected afterwards.

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like a little kid pinching you for less then a second

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it hurts less to get your ears pierced

What is the flap just outside the ear that people get pierced?

I think you're referring to the tragus

What does it feel like to have your ear pierced?

it feels like a quick pinch but if you get it pierced on the other ear it hurt a littel more.

After getting your lip pierced does it hurt for a few days like after getting your upper ear done?

well i used to have my upper ear and that hurt bad. but i just got my lip and it really didnt hurt all just in the mornings. but it really is normal for it to hurt a few days later.

Does it hurt getting your ear pierced where is the best place to get it done Im a 13 year old boy?

it hearts and wallmart