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Yes. The colder the surface temperature, the more clearer the fingerprint will be. The warmer the surface temperature, the less clear the fingerprint will be.

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Q: Does glass temperature effect a fingerprint?
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What is the easyest surface to find a fingerprint on?

The easiest surface is Glass!!!!!! glass is transparent therfore the light will shine showing the fingerprint! -soccerbabe

What is the effect of surface temperature on fingerprints?

I had to complete a science fair project in high school about the effect of surface temp on fingerprints. My results showed that the colder the surface temperature, the more likely you are to see the fingerprint.

How do you get rid of the glass with the fingerprint in poptropica?

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How does temperature effect glass?

Temperature affects glass like it does anything else. If the temperature of glass gets high enough, it will melt. There is not a typical melting point for glass, as it depends on the composition.

Poptropica spy what t do you do with the glass with the fingerprint?

when you get everything useful from the three spies, go to the BAD hideout which is all the way to the right, then you dodge the laser and get to the door, you need the glass with the fingerprint to open it

What do you do with the glass on spy island?

The glass is for the B.A.D Control Center when you need to break in there. It has a fingerprint-only code.

Where do you put the wine glass with the fingerprint on it?

On the kitchen counter, next to the sink, :)

How do you get the fingerprint from director d?

you have to become a cook and then go out and get his water glass

Where is the fingerprint on spy island?

The fingerprint is on the wine glass at the BAD Bistro. You need to get the chef's job there by passing the memory test. When you get the glass, go back to the kitchen and sneak out using the kitchen vent and the overhead lights. You use the fingerprint to open a security door at the BAD control center.

How do you get a fingerprint on spy island?

The fingerprint is on the wine glass at the BAD Bistro. You need to get the chef's job there by passing the memory test. When you get the glass, go back to the kitchen and sneak out using the kitchen vent and the overhead lights. You use the fingerprint to open a security door at the BAD control center.

On poptropica where do you fill up the glass?

The glass is for the B.A.D Control Center when you need to break in there. It has a fingerprint-only code.

Where do you take the glass with the finger print?

You take it to the fingerprint scanner in the B.A.D. hideout.