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Yes, gold conducts electricity. In fact, it's an excellent electrical conductor. Coupled with its resistance to corrosion, it finds broad use in modern electronics, to name just one application.

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6y ago
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6y ago

Gold conducts electricity at room temperature better than any other metals except silver and copper. The electrical resistivity of gold at 20 degrees C is 22,14 nΩm, solidly making it the third best electrical conductor.

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6y ago

Gold is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity. Couple that with its ability to resist corrosion and it's easy to see why it is in common use in modern electronics, just to name one applicatiion.

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13y ago

Gold is an EXCELLENT conductor of heat and electricity. That's why it is used in computer circuitry.

Important dining tip; If you are ever invited to dinner with the King, be prepared for a cold dinner. The gold plates will conduct the heat right out of the food, and leave your dinner somewhat chilly.

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13y ago

Yes, gold is one of the best conductors of electricity.

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12y ago

Yes. Gold is, in fact, a conductor (a material that conducts electricity), and all solid matter can conduct flows of thermal energy (heat).

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10y ago


Gold is a very good conductor.

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Metals which have free valence electrons conduct electricity and heat. thus they are good conductors.

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yes solar heat can conduct electricity

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All metals conduct electricity.All metals conduct electricity.All metals conduct electricity.All metals conduct electricity.

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All metals conduct heat and electricity. Some metals e.g., gold, copper conduct electricity better than others.

What metal conducts electricity and heat?

all of them, some better than others. Copper, silver, gold, iron, all can conduct both heat and electricity.

Is conductors of heat and conductors of electricity the same thing?

Sometimes. Metals will conduct both heat and electricity. Glass will conduct heat but not electricity.

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A metal is a shiny element that conducts electricity and heat.

Does argon gas conduct electricity and heat?

Argon gas is an insulator, so it does not conduct electricity. It also has poor thermal conductivity, meaning it does not transfer heat well.