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Washing with soap and water is considered the better way to prevent virus transmission, but alcohol-based hand sanitizers are also effective if they contain a minimum of 60% alcohol.

According to a recent article published in the February, 2009, issue of Clinical Infectious Diseases, "Efficacy of soap and water and alcohol-based hand-rub preparations against live H1N1 influenza virus on the hands of human volunteers," both hand cleaning techniques were effective in killing H1N1 (a strain of flu) virus on deliberately infected health care workers.

A September, 2005, article in Pediatrics, "A randomized, controlled trial of a multifaceted intervention including alcohol-based hand sanitizer and hand-hygiene education to reduce illness transmission in the home," concludes "...alcohol-based hand sanitizers rapidly kill viruses that are commonly associated with respiratory and gastrointestinal (GI) infections."

The bottom line is good hand-hygiene helps prevent the spread of both bacteria and viruses. Hand washing with soap and water is slightly more effective than alcohol-based hand sanitizers, but the sanitizers do kill viruses.

Bear in mind some viruses are more difficult to kill than others. Disinfecting hard surfaces with a mild bleach-and-water solution also helps reduce the spread of disease.

Links to both abstracts in Related Links, below.

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13y ago

Not always. Sometimes it just adds more viruses on. Sanitizer strips your hand of natural oils, and that makes it easier to keep germs ( good and bad) on your hands. It is safer to use soap and water!

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15y ago

No. It does not kill ALL bacteria. Some bacteria is needed in your body so it would be bad to kill all bacteria. Look on a hand sanitizer bottle to see the bacteria it kills.

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Yes you can if it is an alcohol-based sanitizer. They are effective on fungi, too, but do not kill spores.

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Hand sanitizer is stronger than soap. It is stronger because it contains chemicals that kill pathogens.

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From what I've heard and from what has been been said recently, there is an ingredient in hand sanitizer that makes males sterile. Hand sanitizer is known to kill bacteria but what is in the sanitizer gets absorbed into the body, which is what causes men to become sterile.

Will hand sanitizer kill the hands?

Klenza is India's first alcohol free hand sanitizer. It uses a silver and water-based foam technology. It is a completely non-toxic hand sanitizer, gentle and safe for kids. Klenza hand sanitizer protects from germs 3 hours after its use.

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You have got to be kidding me. Getting high from hand sanitizer is one of the worst ideas. It can literally kill you. Stick to the classic illegal substances.