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Yes the small tubes that you apply to a dogs back work but you have to make sure that you only get the one that fits your dogs weight. They have a type of poison in them that is safe only for certain size dogs. If you are not sure weight yourself first without your dog the weight yourself with it and subtract to find it's weight. It is safe to use if you are careful but if you are not you can kill an animal. If you have a puppy make sure you read the label before you purchase anything. Some soaps and medicines can not be used on puppies so read before you buy. Most flea shampoo's are dangerous for puppies. Good luck and please love your dog.

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Q: Does hartz flea and tick drops work?
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Can you use tea tree oil as a flea and tick killer?

No. Pet Store bought products NEVER work. To stop Fleas, ticks and Mites purchase Frontline from your Vet.

Does flea and tick shampoo work on people?

You SHOULD NOT use dog flea and tick shampoo on yourself as it can give you severe headaches dizziness nausea for up to 3 days after use. It can also mess with your breathing as well if you are asthmatic. try dawn soap and HUMAN bug repellent.

What can you use on a dog if you don't have flea and tick shampoo?

You can use any form of shampoo or liquid soap; even dishwashing liquid will work. Your dog will never know! They can't read the labels.

Do Generic Flea Treatments Work?

The most important part of choosing a flea treatment is picking a form of medicine that works. Always be sure to choose flea drops or pills to see the best results. There are several different generic flea drops and pills that are just as effective as the popular brands. The ingredients are the same, so it's possible to see the same effects while spending less money. Although there are rumors that most generic flea treatments are ineffective, it's important to try them before spending more on popular brands.

Is it safe to use revolution for dogs and also a flea and tick collar?

You should NEVER use a flea and tick collar with a dog. Period. You are basically putting a ring of poison around your dogs head and exposing them constantly to harmful fumes and chemicals. Spend the money and get them frontline.

Do flea powders work?

Yes they do.

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Do eye drops ever expire?

Yes but it will not work as well as unexpired eye drops!

Does liquid soap work to remove a tick?

It is not recommended. The tick has enough air to finish it's feeding and back out on it's own. Also, it may irritate the tick and cause it to vomit into the wound and increase the chance of infection.

Can human lice shampoos kill dog fleas?

No, you need to use a treatment supplied by a vet - and please understand if you sea a flea on an animal that is only a female feeding, the majority of the flea population is actually in the animals beading. Therefore it is no use just treating the animal you have to treat you house and the animals beading too.....a vacuum cleaner is the best defence against fleas - hoover and clean daily and wash/replace the animals beading regularly.

Do you have home remedies for getting rid of ticks on dogs?

There is a product on the market called a Tick Twister. This small tool is the easiest way to get rid of ticks on dogs. No home remedies have been proven to be effective at repelling ticks.

Where does allergics come from I don't understand because my friend got allergic from my friend's 5 dachshunds but she is not allergic to my dachshund dog Please answer me soon.?

This is strange, but it might not be the dogs themselves. Is she allergic to any other dogs besides those five? It could be what shampoo/ conditioner they are washed in. Or the flea/tick dip used on them, and if none is used maybe they have on flea/tick collars. There is something they have that your dog doesn't. It could even be the carpet freshener used in their beding. I think this calls for some investigative work to find out what she is really reacting to. I don't think it is the dogs, but you can run a test for that, unless she has terrible, and violent reactions, then don't!