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although the intensity and amount of sunlight will affect the temperature yet apart from that other factors including the weather conditions, physical features, vegetation, atmospheric contents such as CO2 and other green house gases also play a vital role in affecting the temperature conditions. The type of geological strata will also be a contribting factor for high/low temperature conditions.

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Q: Does higher temperature mean more sunlight?
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Do you get more or less direct sunlight at the equator?

you get more direct sunlight at the equator

Why do they measure temperature in the shade?

Direct sunlight would heat the thermometer higher than the actual air temperature. A reading would be more accurate if taken in the shade, where the temperature reading would not be greatly different.

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soil is affected more by sunlight due to it holding a higher water content.

What is the temperature of a sunny day?

The temperature on a sunny day varies largely in different seasons and different climates. Typically, on a sunny day temperatures are higher due to the increase in sunlight. More specific answers require the location to be included.

What is the temperature of sunny day?

The temperature on a sunny day varies largely in different seasons and different climates. Typically, on a sunny day temperatures are higher due to the increase in sunlight. More specific answers require the location to be included.

Why is temperature high in day than at night?

This is simply due to there being more sunlight in the daytime. The sunlight heats up the land and the air and also passes heat energy into our bodies. The temperature increases when there is more direct sunlight which is why it is hottest at 12:00 (midday).

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The higher of the temperature of a substance, the more thermal energy it has.

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The temperature gauge in most vehicles is built into the outside body of the vehicle. It measures cold very well because the temperature is not affected by the heat of the sun. When your vehicle is in direct sunlight (especially in darker colored vehicles), sunlight heats the outside of the vehicle to a higher temperature than the temperature outside actually is. Most of the time once you start driving, you will get a more accurate temperature reading.

Statement correctly describes how the density and temperature of air are related?

Lower temperature air is more dense.

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the higher the temperature, the more moisture.

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If temperature is higher, kinetic energy is more

Why do temperatures get higher the closer you get to the equator?

The temperatures at the equator tend to be higher because the equator receives more direct sunlight.