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No, its not as you have to buy books, equipment as you go through school life.

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depends on the school

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Q: Does homeschooling cost more than public school?
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Is public school better then homescool?

No. Homeschooling is more biblical and it is better for you in many ways!

What is the cost of materials for homeschool in Missouri?

Sometimes homeschooling through is free, depending on what school district you live in. K12 is online and has more advanced lessons than public schools.

Which is better for bullied kids homeschooling or public school?

I would personally say homeschool so they won't get bullied any more.

Is homeschooling popular?

Homeschooling is becoming a more popular choice for parents as concerns about negative influences in a school environment, such as peer pressure, drugs and violence, escalate. Another reason homeschooling in popular is the parents wish to include religious content into the curriculum.

How do you get your friend to stop homeschooling and go to public school with you?

Answer #1:This is most likely an issue with his parents, not with your friend. People who home-school their children have very strong feelings about it, or they wouldn't go to the trouble. We'd suggest staying out of it. Answer #2: My children choose homeschool, even though their friends frequently try to convince them to go to public school. My oldest went to public school for several years before I withdrew her, and has no desire to go back. Unless you can somehow make public school be more interesting and flexible and take considerably less time than homeschooling, you may be in an uphill battle to say the least.

What are some schools and costs of them in Kentucky?

A public institution would cost less than a private school would. It will cost more if you live out of state, but a public school will probably run around $10,000 per year

How much does homeschooling an 8th grader cost?

It can cost nothing if you use an online charter school for more info go to It depends on the courses. One major class for a first grader is going to be a couple of hundred dollars full scale curriculum etc.., but some people do it on homemade stuff and go as low as 30 or 40 dollars. High school courses are pretty expensive, but college is about $8000 per semester. You are going to want some more info about homeschooling. Each State in America has their own laws about homeschooling. Some states are easier than others. Every state has an organization to help you get started. You can meet other parents and swap curriculum etc... Good luck

Where can I get more info about home schooling?

Homeschooling or homeschool (also called home education or home based learning) is the education of children at home, typically by parents but sometimes by tutors, rather than in other formal settings of public or private school. Although prior to the introduction of compulsory school attendance laws, most childhood education occurred within the family or community,[1] homeschooling in the modern sense is an alternative in developed countries to attending public or private schools.

Good reasons to go to public school?

Public school is better than homeschooling for some families. I am a homeschooling parent. For the most part, I think homeschooling is a great thing. Most of the families I have seen are very dedicated, do the work with the kids, take their kids out and make sure they are well socialized, and have a lot of fun. However, I have seen a family or two that don't sit down with the kids to do the work or get their kids out of the house to be around friends or are involved in social situations. In these cases, it is probably better for the child to attend regular school.

Are there any social awareness research studies that include homeschool kids? will show you all the pros and cons of homeschooling, private schools and public school. It does at one point say that home schooled children are more isolated than others because of lack of a larger social group.

Does homeschooling teach discipline?

Because homeschooling is between the parents and the children, discipline is enforced by the parents. It is wrong to ask whether homeschooling teaches discipline, because that depends on the parents. Some parents prefer to have regimented school days, others prefer a more relaxed style of teaching and learning.

Where can I get a homeschooling curriculum ?

Homeschool used curriculum marketplace and group, event, and activity offers the best homeschooling supplies, curriculum, and textbooks for high school, middle school, and preschool home schooling.