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I know for sure hot water kills germs

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Q: Does hot water kill germs or does cold water kill germs?
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Does hot or cold temperatures kill bacteria?

hot water can not exactly kill germs and cold wter does not have a chance but boiling water can kill all the germs

When washing your hands you should use and hot water to kill germs?

Yes the hot water kills more germs than cold water.

Why must you use hot water and soap when washing your hand?

because hot water kills more germs than washing it with cold water soap is also needed to kill more germs

What kills germs faster cold or hot water?

hot water

When you have a cold does drinking hot liquids help kill the germs in your body?


Why does hot water kill germs beter than cold water?

above 60 degrees C enzymes "denature", therefore in hot water, germs' enzymes are being rendered useless, and the germ cannot carry out it's essential reactions, and therefore dies

Does cold water work as good as hot water?

no not really hot water cleans better and kills germs

Can washing clothes in cold water remove germs?

Generally, no. Germs are best killed by very warm or hot water.

Should you wash dishes in cold or hot water?

Hot water, as it removes any remaining grease, soap and germs. Grease is what causes microscopic debris to cling to surfaces. The hotter the water, the more grease is removed. That is the reason why dishwashers use very hot water for both wash and rinse cycles.

Why does the hot water cause the alka-seltzer tablets to dissolve faster than cold water?

How water desolves more things. it's like trying to kill germs, you might use hot water. it works for salt to!

Should you wash your hair with hot or cold water?

You should rinse your shampoo and conditioner out with warm to hot water to kill the germs left over...but afterwards (after you rinse out your conditioner) rinse with cold to seal the cuticles and make your hair nice and healthy! :)

Does cold water kill germs more than hot water?

Nope. "Germs" for use in laboratories are often stored at temperatures far below anything in nature or a normal refrigerator. Once they warm up to their preferred temperature, they function normally. As always, there are exceptions to this, but likely not many.