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No. You are thinking of nitrogen.

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Q: Does hydrogen make up 80 percent of the air you breathe?
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Which gas is 20 percent of the air you breathe?

oxygen is 20% of the air you breathe

How much percent of oxgyen you breathe?

Typically, the air you breathe is comprised of 18 to 21 percent Oxygen.

Does the sun breathe air?

No. The sun does not breathe as it is not alive. It is powered by the fusion of hydrogen at its core.

Which gas is 20 percent of the air you breathe in?


How many percent of oxygen did you breathe?

On average, humans breathe in about 21% oxygen from the air.

Do astronauts breath hydrogen in space or oxygen or both?

They breathe air, which contains oxygen. They do not breathe hydrogen, as it is a bad idea to mix hydrogen and oxygen unless you intend to create anexplosion.

How do you define air?

Air is the mixture of gases in our atmosphere that we breathe. I.E. Oxygen, Hydrogen, etc.

Why it is harmful to breathe in it pure oxygen?

because it doesn't have hydrogen in it. we should only breathe in H2O, in air form.

What is 99 percent of the air you breathe made up of?


How do you make air?

You breathe! -_-

What percentage of air is made up of methane kryton and hydrogen?

Methane, krypton, and hydrogen make up only trace amounts in the Earth's atmosphere. Methane is around 0.0002%, krypton is about 0.0001%, and hydrogen is approximately 0.00005% of the air we breathe.

What is the second most common gas found in the air we breathe?

Oxygen is the second most common/abundant gas in the air that we breathe. Nitrogen is the most abundant gas in the air we breathe. The composition of air is often treated as 79 mole or volume percent N2 and 21 mole or volume percent O2.