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No. Even pure hydrogen peroxide is a liquid. Pure H2O2 is not commercially available as it is extremely reactive, making it too dangerous for the general public.

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5d ago

No, hydrogen peroxide typically comes in liquid form. It is a colorless liquid chemical compound with the formula H2O2, commonly used as a disinfectant or bleaching agent.

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Q: Does hydrogen peroxide come in powder form in a bottle?
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Where does hydrogen peroxide come from in cells?

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is produced as a byproduct of various cellular reactions, including the breakdown of fatty acids, amino acids, and purines. It can also be generated by enzymes like NADPH oxidases and peroxisomal oxidases as part of regulatory and defense functions within cells. Hydrogen peroxide is involved in signaling pathways and oxidative stress responses in cells.

Why does hydrogen peroxide usually come in dark colored bottles?

Hydrogen peroxide is sensitive to light and can break down when exposed to light, causing it to lose its effectiveness. Storing hydrogen peroxide in dark colored bottles helps to protect it from light, preserving its stability and potency for longer periods.

When you snap a glow stick what does the snapping the tube do and how does it lead to chemical reaction?

Snapping a glow stick breaks open a glass vial inside it that contains hydrogen peroxide. The breaking of the vial allows the hydrogen peroxide to mix with another chemical called diphenyl oxalate. This mixing triggers a chemical reaction that produces light through a process called chemiluminescence.

How do you remove the powder from a powder horn?

To remove powder from a powder horn, you can gently tap or shake the horn to loosen the powder. Then, use a small brush or cloth to wipe out any remaining powder residue. Be careful to avoid using any sharp or abrasive objects that could damage the interior lining of the horn.

Why does champagne pop?

When a bottle of champagne is opened, the pressure inside the bottle causes the cork to pop due to the release of built-up carbon dioxide gas. The bubbles and fizzing in champagne come from dissolved carbon dioxide gas escaping when the bottle is opened.

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Does oxygen gas come from the hydrogen peroxide or manganese?

The peroxide, H2O2 =>(Mn as a catalysist)=> H2O + O2

Where does hydrogen peroxide come from in cells?

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is produced as a byproduct of various cellular reactions, including the breakdown of fatty acids, amino acids, and purines. It can also be generated by enzymes like NADPH oxidases and peroxisomal oxidases as part of regulatory and defense functions within cells. Hydrogen peroxide is involved in signaling pathways and oxidative stress responses in cells.

Why does hydrogen peroxide usually come in dark colored bottles?

Hydrogen peroxide is sensitive to light and can break down when exposed to light, causing it to lose its effectiveness. Storing hydrogen peroxide in dark colored bottles helps to protect it from light, preserving its stability and potency for longer periods.

Have got stabbed with a pencil in neckthroat area that seems to have gone in and then out but has stained the skin any ideas on how to remove the stain?

Mix hydrogen peroxide with an equal amount of water. (Half/Half) Gently rub out the stain. If it is on the outside of the skin it will come off. Be careful to not get the peroxide near your eyes. The peroxide will bleach any cloth that it touches.

Does hydrogen peroxide remove bloodstains?

Yes. You just have to pour it on the stain and let it dry. If it doesn't come out the first time, repeat the process as many times as needed. Then wash it.

Is Drinking hydrogen peroxide ok?

You can drink food grade hydrogen peroxide. NOT the peroxide in the little brown bottle.Food grade hydrogen peroxide is usually sold on concentration of 35% - so you absolutely have to know how to dilute it.

Why is peroxide called H2O2?

Peroxide is called H2O2 because it has two hydrogen molecules and two oxygen molecules that make up its composition. 2 positivly charged HYDOGEN atoms and 2 negitivly charged OXYGEN atoms come together and form H2O2

Can rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide kill roaches?

Probably not in large amounts. You can sprinkle boric acid powder around, like under the sink, at doorways on top of door jambs, etc. As they walk through it they are poisoned. Be sure to keep it away from children. It is available at all big box and drug stores and very inexpensive. Your best bet is to have an exterminator come and get the process started. There stuff is much more effective.

Why does DrPepper come in a bottle?

Sometimes it comes in a can....And sometimes in a bottle.

Does 70 mg Vyvanse capsules come with powder inside?

Yes,70mg Vyvanse do come with powder inside.

Does Hydrogen Peroxide remove a bleached spot that was found on clothing?

Hydrogen peroxide can be used to help lighten or remove stains on clothing, including bleach spots. It is recommended to spot test in an inconspicuous area first to ensure it does not cause further damage to the fabric. Additionally, it is best to consult a professional cleaner for delicate or valuable items.

Where can one get advice on stain removal?

The best advice on stain removal is to follow the instructions on your detergent bottle to the letter. Most people don't use enough powder in their wash, and are surprised when stains don't come out.