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It does indeed reflect the suns rays.

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Q: Does ice reflect suns rays in Antarctica?
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Where are the Suns rays most reflected the poles or the Equator?

The Ice sheet that covers 98% of Antarctica is the most sun-ray-reflective surface on earth. Antarctica is home to the South Pole.

Why does the South Pole have a higher albedo than the North Pole?

There is more ice on Antarctica to reflect the sun's rays back into space -- albedo, than there is in the Arctic Ocean.

What are some major earth surfaces that reflect the suns energy?

Any white or light colored surfaces reflect the sun's energy. The main ones are the Arctic sea ice, the Greenland ice cap, the whole of Antarctica and glaciers and snow cover all round the world. This reflective effect is called the albedo effect.

Why do skiers often get sunburn in the winter?

The reason that skiers get sun burned in winter is because of the reflective properties of the snow. The snow absorbs very little of the suns rays and reflects them back. The intensity of the suns rays make it very easy for exposed skin to get well as ice skating ice's reflective properties as well can have rays reflect and burn skin.

What are some facts about the polar ice caps?

The ice sheet that covers 98% of Antarctica contains about 70% of the Earth's store of fresh water and about 90% of the Earth's store of ice. The Arctic Ocean sea ice reflects about 80% of the sunlight that hits it, and when it melts and cannot reflect the sun's rays, the ocean absorbs about 90% of the sun's warmth, thus elevating the temperature of the Arctic ocean.

What percentage of the ice can find in the antarctica?

One hundred percent of the ice found in Antarctica Antarctica.

Why does Antarctica look blue?

Optically, the ice is so dense as to be able to only reflect the colour of the sky. During the sunset period, you can see other colours in the ice. Without sunlight, the ice does not appear blue.

What is the percentage of the ice in Antarctica?

One hundred percent of the ice in Antarctica is ice.

How is the melting of Arctic sea ice contributing to climate change?

It does? Yes, it does. Before it melts, the ice reflects the sun's rays back out into space. This is called the albedo effect. After it melts, the sun's rays land on the black waters of the Arctic Ocean, which doesn't reflect the rays, but absorbs them, and the water gets hotter. This is how the melting ice causes more warming.

What color is Antarctica?

Satellite imagery showing photographs of the continent reflect the colour of the pure ice on the continent that has been compressed for millenia so that there are no minerals left in the ice. The reflection makes the continent, which is covered by 98% by this ice, appear blue, because from a distance and in mass, this is the colour of pure ice.

Is the ice sheet on Antarctica shrinking?

yes ice in the antarctica shrink

Is ice a mineral is antarctica?

Ice in the ice sheet that covers Antarctica is free of any minerals.