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No, sexual intercourse shouldn't hurt for anyone. If you're having pain during intercourse you should see your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. The most common cause of pain during intercourse for uncircumcised men is a condition called phimosis, which is when the foreskin can not slide back to expose the head of the penis. The condition can be treated easily with a series of stretching exercised and the use of a corticosteroid cream. For more information on this, search Wikianswers for, "How do you stretch your foreskin?"

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Q: Does intercourse hurt for uncircumcised men?
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Do uncircumcised men hurt on their first time?

No, but they are often more sensitive.

Is uncircumcised penis affect your intercouse?

No, being uncircumcised should not affect intercourse in any way.

Does circumcised and uncircumcised really matter?

Circumcised and uncircumcised penises function exactly the same during sexual intercourse. While uncircumcised men may be slightly more sensitive, it doesn't really matter if a man is circumcised or uncircumcised. There are definite differences and only Intact men can really appreciate these. For more information go to the related link below (Medical studies on circumcision)

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more people on the planet are uncircumcised than circumcised. Therefore more gay men are uncircumcised.

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There is no reason to believe that Jewish women like uncircumcised men. In fact, most probably DISLIKEuncircumcised men.

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Uncircumcised and circumcised men generally use the same sex positions.

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Uncircumcised men are more at risk for balanitis due to the presence of the foreskin

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A baby

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Does partial removal of foreskin increases time of sexual intercourse for men?"

Is it common after intercourse to have burning when you go to the bathroom?

No. Intercourse shouldn't hurt, either during or after. The best person to ask about this is a qualified physician.

Whos countries men have the long duration in intercourse?

There are men in all countries who have that.