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No. I have been dilated to 3 cm for over a week now. I was at 4 cm when I was induced with my first. My doctor said that one lady came in dilated to 10 cm (that's completely dilated) and was not in labor yet. She had to be induced.

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Q: Does labor start at 3 cm dilation?
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If Im 3 cm dilated and having back pain and hip pain how soon will labor happen?

Actually you are in the Latent phase of labor.

If Triangle R'S'T' has sides of 3 cm 4 cm and 5 cm. And triangle RST has sides of 12 cm 16 cm and 25 cm. what is the dilation of the triangles?

The 1st is a right angle triangle and the 2nd is a scalene triangle.

What are 3 stages of labor?

dilation stage, expulsion stage, placental stage

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How soon before labor begins do you start to dilate and how much?

I am currently 32 weeks and am dialated almost 2 cm. I started to dialate at 29 weeks. My doc said I need to go another two weeks before I can have the baby safely. In Nevada, where I live, once you dialate to 4 cm, they automatically put you into the hospital to have the baby and will induce labor if need be. u can start dailating any time after can be a long time be4 u actually go in labour.i had 5 kids and the ealiest i started dailate was at 36 weeks. I am going on 39 weeks and I am dilated to a 4 with my cervix 80% softened... I have been dilated for about 3 or 4 weeks now... Now I am just waiting on the contractions start... Hopefully it will be soon... it depends on each womans body and each pregnancy...#1-i was dilated from wk 35 to 37 on cm and had her at 38(with being at 4 cm at the hospital)..#2-no dilation until i went to the hospital(and i was 4 cm again)#3 absolutely no dilation until wk 37-then my water broke one day and i was 8 cm dilated when i got to the hospital...hth

If you are 90 effaced 3 cm dilated and the baby is at a positive 1 station how long until active labor starts Is there a way to hold it off?

Could be hours to days to weeks. Everyone is different. You will probably start active labor within 24 hours. There is no stopping labor at this point.

Does 50 percent effaced mean you will go into labor soon?

It could. In a first time mom effacement is often the slowest part of labor and you are already half way there! Once labor starts you will start dilating and finish effacing. When you begin - your cervix may still be closed tight or it could be a "finger tip" meaning slightly less than 1 cm or you may start dilating before labor and walk around at 3 cm or more for a week or two. Once you are 10 cm and completely effaced you will start pushing and your baby will make his or her grand entrance. Congratulations!

What does it mean when a womans cervix is 50 percent thinned?

When a woman is approaching labor, the cervix begins to thin and shorten. (think of a polo neck jumper becoming a crew neck jumper). Before labor, the cervix is around 2 to 3 cm in length. The shortening and thinning is known as effacement. Dilation (opening) of the cervix may occur at the same time - particularly in first time moms.

if i have a dilation of -3 i multiply by -3 right?


You are 3 cm and am feeling pain are you in labor?

Yes you are in labour. Get your things and go to the hospital/call midwife.

How can kissing cause early labor?

Kissing cannot cause a woman to go into early labor. Even French kissing cannot force a woman into labor. Instead, changes in hormone levels begin several weeks before the first labor contractions. Many women experience Braxton-Hicks contractions, often called "false labor" for up to 2 to 3 weeks before real labor begins. During those last few weeks, the baby should turn head down, and begin to move toward the birth canal. That pressure helps to begin the dilation (opening) of the cervix so that many women are already 1-2 cm dilated when they arrive at the hospital. Sexual intercourse during the last couple weeks can in some cases start true labor; your doctor will advise you about whether you should have intercourse.

How long before labor begins when you are 3 cm dilated?

time will tell could be today, tomorrow, or 2wks