

Does lead sulphate dissolve in water?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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Q: Does lead sulphate dissolve in water?
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No. All metal sulphate are soluble in water, except barium sulphate, calcium sulphate and lead sulphate.

What is a universal solvent and what can it not dissolve dissolve?

the universal solvent is water. and it can not dissolve most carbonates most oxides a few chlorides lead sulphate ,lead iodide, lead chloride barium sulphate, calcium sulphate most metals. I have not listed all of the insoluble materials here just a few. thanks for reading.

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Copper Sulphate will dissolve better in warmer water, it will dissolve both faster and it will be possible do dissolve a greater mass of the Copper Sulphate.

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first dissolve in sulfuric acid and then add water

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Why does the color with sulphate change?

This is because sulphate is a thing that just dissolve in the water and changes the colour.

How would you separate lead sulphate from a mixture of lead sulphate and lead chloride?

by adding hot water

How do you separate lead sulphate and lead chloride?

Lead chloride dissolves in hot water, whereas lead sulphate does not. Mix the sample with hot water and filter off the lead sulphate, then evaporate the water and dry the solid left behind to recover the lead chloride.

Is lead sulphate soluble in water?


Which is more soluble in pure water at room temperature Lead Nitrate or Lead Sulphate?

All nitrates including Lead nitrate is soluble in water but Lead sulphate is almost insoluble.

How many grams of radium sulphate will dissolve in 100ml of cold water?

Radium sulphate (RaSO4) is very insoluble in water, more insoluble than the barium sulphate. The solubility product constant of radium sulphate is 3,66.10-11.