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Light's apparent speed is fastest definitely in a vacuum and slower in water or glass. Light in air behaves more like in a vacuum than in water or glass.

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2mo ago

Light travels fastest in a vacuum, such as in space. It slows down when passing through different mediums like air, water, and glass due to interactions with atoms and molecules in those materials, which cause the light to refract and bend.

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Q: Does light travel fastest in space in air in water or through glass?
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Through which medium does light travel fastest air glass or water?

Light travels fastest through air, then glass, and slowest through water. The speed at which light travels through a medium depends on the refractive index of the material, with lower refractive indexes resulting in faster speeds.

What mediums can light travel through?

Light can travel through various mediums, including air, water, glass, and some transparent plastics. Light travels fastest through a vacuum, such as outer space, where there are no particles to slow it down.

What does light travel faster through?

Light travels faster through a vacuum than through any other medium, such as air, water, or glass. In a vacuum, light can travel at its maximum speed of approximately 299,792 kilometers per second.

Can both light and sound travel through glass?

Yes, both light and sound can travel through glass. Glass is transparent to light, allowing it to pass through without significant absorption or scattering. Sound can also travel through glass, but with some attenuation due to its denser nature compared to air.

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What is a material through which light waves can travel?

Light can travel through transparent and translucent glass.

What medium does light pass through?

Light can pass through transparent mediums such as air, water, and glass. These mediums allow light to travel through them without significant absorption or scattering.

Would light travel the fastest through water glass or air?

Light travels fastest through air, followed by water and then glass. The speed of light in a medium is determined by its refractive index, with lower refractive indexes allowing light to travel faster.

What does Light waves travel the fastest through?

outer space

What does light travel best through?

Light travels best through a vacuum because there are no particles to scatter or absorb the light. However, light can also travel well through certain transparent materials like air, glass, and water.

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What color water does light travel through fastest?

According to the light spectrum, water should travel through a more violet coloured water the fastest. The speed of light through a medium is not governed by its wavelength, so colour is not a factor.