

Does magnets go through iron

Updated: 4/28/2022
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9y ago

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yes it does

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Kip Strosin

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2y ago
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Yes it does.

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Q: Does magnets go through iron
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What types of magnets are produced by running electric current through a soft iron?

temporary magnets Incorrect, it's electromagnetic.

Is magnet use in iron?

Magnets is made of iron. Magnets are attracted to anything made out of iron.

What metal is used in magnets?

Typically iron. When an electric current is passed through molten iron as it cools and solidifies, the iron molecules retain their field orientation. Even stronger magnets have been made using alloys of neodymium, iron, and boron.

Can magnets be temporary?

Yes, magnets can be made to be temporary by using materials that can be easily magnetized and demagnetized, like soft iron. These types of magnets are known as temporary or soft magnets because they lose their magnetism quickly once the external magnetic field is removed.

Do magnets go through silicon?

obviously no!

How does magnets detect iron?

magnets detect iron because of the magnetic feild in the magnet which atracts iron to stick to it.

Is copper attracted to magnets?

Copper is not attracted to magnets because it is a non-ferrous metal, meaning it does not contain significant amounts of iron. Only materials containing iron, nickel, or cobalt are attracted to magnets.

What types of magnets are produced by runing electric current through a soft iron core?

your moma

How can you tell if something is magnetic without magnets?

you go on the Internet and you see if it magnetic

Why are magnets used?

Electro magnets can be very useful to carry heavy loads of iron and metal from one side of a factory to another. Electro-magnets are formed by shooting electricity through a coil of copper.

Do magnets attach to rust?

Magnets are attracted to anything with iron in it. Rust is Iron Oxide, so yes!

How do you use magnets?

you can use magnets to separate iron from sand.