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Marijuana contains no known cancer causing agents.

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Q: Does marijuana contain more cancer causing chemicals than cigarettes?
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Is it true that smoking one joint is like smoking five cigarettes?

No, marijuana cigarettes, commonly referred to as joints, do not contain any of the chemicals that are found in most cigarettes, the only association between the two is the common practice of "batching" or mixing tobacco into your joint along with marijuana to make it burn slower, and more evenly.

Do different brands of cigarettes contain variant levels of cancer causing agents or are they all equally unhealthy?

There is really no way to remove the cancer causing agents from tobacco and still have tobacco. They are all generally the same when it comes to the chemicals they contain.

What inside the cigarettes?

The maiN ingredient is Tobacco .. Cigarettes contain over 4000 chemicals ....

Do cigarettes contain polonium?

yes there is also over 4000 other chemicals in the smoke

Are e cigs safe?

E-cigarettes are not any safer than normal cigarettes because they both contain some of the same poisonous chemicals.

How much THC do cigarettes contain?

Like tobacco smoke, marijuana smoke contains cancer-causing chemicals. There are 33 cancer-causing chemicals contained in marijuana. Marijuana smoke also deposits tar into the lungs. In fact, when equal amounts of marijuana and tobacco are smoked, marijuana deposits four times as much tar into the lungs. This is because marijuana joints are un-filtered and often more deeply inhaled than cigarettes.Although it may be true that marijuana smoke deposits more tar into the lungs than tobacco smoke, current evidence does not indicate that the former results in proportionally greater deleterious health affects.

Do cigarettes contain arsenic?

Yes, along with tar and 4700 other chemicals including formaldehyde, and ammonia

What is the fastest type of cancer?

Sometimes cancer is genetic, but it increases a person's odds when they are exposed to cancer causing agents. Cigarettes contain many chemicals that are known to cause cancer.

Why do you still get lightheaded off of cigarettes?

Cigarettes contain nicotine, which when inhaled with tobacco and other chemicals, travels within 10 seconds to your brain to hive you an instant buzz.

Do people stop smoking by replacing it?

I replaced cigarettes with e-cigarettes. Much less harmfull....much less money. E-cigarettes do contain nicotine and therefore...addicting. But they DO NOT contain the over 500 chemicals and the tar from smoke..e-cigs have no smoke...but produce a vapor. Works for me.

What synthetic chemicals appear to be causing the depletion of the Earths protective ozone layer?

Synthetic chemicals contain CFC's. They react with ozone to deplete it.

Do marijuana smoke contains harmful chemicals found in tobacco smoke?

Marijuana does contain more tar than tobacco - but low tar cigarettes cause just as much cancer, Scientists have shown that smoking any plant is bad for your lungs, because it increases the number of 'lesions' in your small airways. This usually does not threaten your life, but there is a chance it will lead to infections.