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It is very common for a person who is menstruating to contaminate a urine sample. Of course, contaminated urine samples are very common in general.

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Q: Does menstruating contaminate urine sample
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Does it effect you urine sample when you are menstruating?

No, your menstrual cycle doesn't affect your urine sample you provide to the doctor. When you menstrual cycle and urine comes from two different parts of your body.

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Not sure I understand your question. Anything that gets accidentally added to a sample substance is a contamination. As such, gunpowder can contaminate a blood sample. But it is unusual to handle gun Powder, so how gunpowder would get into a blood sample is beyond me.

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If a urine specimen isn't a clean-catch, mid-stream urine, it's possible for external blood or white blood cells to contaminate the sample, given the mistaken impression that there's urinary disease.

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Because a plastic bottle can contaminate the sample; and a glass bottle is fragile.

Has anyone had blood in their urine because of Mirena?

Not directly. It might cause "spotting" - small amounts of blood from inside the womb that sometimes appears between periods and this might contaminate a urine sample (i.e. a false positive for haematuria - blood in the urine). A properly conducted mid-stream urine test should prevent contamination of the urine by uterine blood.

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Strep infection is not diagnosed from a urine sample.

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This is to preserve the urine sample until its tested.

If bleach gets into urine will it mess up the results?

Yes, it will contaminate the sample causing them to mark it as Unusable. But doing so can be seen as tampering your urinalysis and get you in big trouble. If its just a home test it wont help you much.

Does heroin and endone show in urine sample?

Both will show in a urine sample if tests are done to look for those drugs.

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Yes Suboxone can be detected in a urine sample. It can not however be detected in a standard drug test.

Why refrigerate urine?

The reason to refrigerate urine after collecting a sample is to avoid bacteria from forming in it. If a sample of urine will be taken to a lab within an hour of collecting it, then it does not need refrigerated.