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Metermine and Duromine are both brand names for the same active ingredient, phentermine. They work in a similar way by suppressing appetite and promoting weight loss. However, the specific formulation and dosage of each medication may vary, so it is important to follow your doctor's guidance for which one to use and the appropriate dosage.

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Q: Does metermine work the same as duromine?
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Is this true that work and energy have the same units?

Yes, work and energy have the same units. Both work and energy are measured in joules (J) in the International System of Units (SI).

Is energy the same thing as work?

No, energy and work are related but not the same thing. Energy refers to the ability to do work, while work is the transfer of energy from one form to another through the application of force over a distance.

Is work done with a machine the same work without a machine?

Work done with a machine can make the task easier by reducing the amount of force or energy required. This means that the same amount of work can be achieved with less effort when using a machine compared to doing the work without one.

How can the same amount of work be done if the forces acting on the object are different?

If the forces acting on an object are different, then the displacement of the object must also be different to accomplish the same amount of work. Work is defined as the product of force and displacement in the direction of the force. So, by adjusting the force and displacement values, the same amount of work can be achieved.

When a short person and a tall person have to hold a certain mass above their heads which person does the most work or do they do the same work?

Both the short person and the tall person would be doing the same amount of work to hold the mass above their heads. Work is equal to force times distance, and in this case, the force and distance would be the same for both individuals since they are holding the mass at the same height.

Related questions

Are duramine and metermine the same drug?

Yeah It is the same drug, My Doctor said Metermine is just another name that they use for the brand, It's the exact same drug.

Can you use duromine 15mg while breastfeeding?

deseo conocer mas sobre las duromine 15mg

Can you take champix and duromine at the same time?

Yes you can, spoke to two doctors and a pharmacist and they all said yes, because they are a very similar drug as far as they work on the same area of th brain, so they do not interfer each other.

Is it safe to mix demazin with Duromine?


What are the benefits of taking Duromine?

The benefits of taking Duromine are that it helps suppress your appetite and lose weight. It also gives you more energy, and still sleep well at night.

Can you take duromine and Cymbalta and xanax together?

i take xanax 2mg x 3 daily and cymbalta 30mg x1 daily, is it safe to take duromine as well short term

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What is better for 15 kg weight loss duromine or reductil?

I had tried duromine and its really effective. I lost almost 8Kg in 4 weeks , of course with proper diet and exercise. I only tried it for one month. I shall warn you that i had sleeping difficulty and drowsiness during the first 2 weeks and got used to it after a while. If you are thinking of taking duromine to lose 15kg and then stop taking it thereafter , then i would recommend Duromine for a quick weight loss. I have not been on reductil and i would not know whether its more effective than duromeen.

Is duromine a narcotic?

Not a narcotic. It is basically a PRESCRIPTION diet drug. It is therefore, a CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE.

Is duromine safe to take with cipramil?

No. The two drugs can have a bad reaction if taken together as they both change funtions in the brain. Best to talk to your doctor and see if you could cange eaither of the medications to somthing that will work fine together.

Can you mix synthroid phentermine and clonazepam together safety?

Yes, just keep the doses of all three low.

Why does work have the same unit as energy?

because work is a transformation of energy. If there is some loss of energy in a process then same amount of work will be created. For this reason the unit of work and energy is same.