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Absoloutly not. THC levels will stay for up to 72hrs or more depending on body mass.

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Q: Does milk thistle remove THC from your system?
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Does get the red out eye drops take THC out of your system?

No. Only time will remove THC from your system.

What can you drink to reduce the THC in your system?

Milk or for that matter anything high in fat because THC is fat soluble

How long does THC stay in infant system through breast milk?

Don 't breed.

Getting out marijuana with milk?

Milk (in my personal experiences) lowers your current high. It does not clean it out of your system however since THC stays in your fat cells.

What is the quickest way to get marijuana from system?

In order to remove the THC from your system: Vitamin C and water in big amounts is my advice.

How do you beat THC?

cigarette filters remove the THC.

What takes marijuana out your system?

not smoking it - followed by time - usually 2 or 3 months - sorry, but there is no quick fix to remove THC from your system.

Does THC show up in a baby's blood system when it is in their breast milk?

oh yeah.what ever you eat,drink,smoke snort or whatever the baby gets it when it drinks breast milk.

Will milk thistle help you pass a drug test?

Yes it can, My nephew got sent home from school because they tested him positive for THC and Amphetamines. I gave him 2 milk Thistle capsules and a quart of water to drink. 20 minutes later took him to the hospital and he passed his drug test. However 20 minutes after that he was dirty again as it only flushes out our bladder and not your blood , as THC is fat sulable and if used regular it will take weeks to detox . learn the facts on ALL OF THIS INFO google " PASSITKIT drug testing info "

Does red bull clear THC out your system?

Does red bull clear thc out of your system

Will anti-botics remove THC from your body?

NO! It kills bacteria not THC metabolites!