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Plants fixate nitrogen from the air from lightning or precipitation fixation. Bacteria in the soil also fixate nitrogen in the air. Animals eat the plants and defecate or urinate as they eat. These wastes are incorporated into the soil through decomposition as organic matter. Mineralization occurs, turning the organic nitrate into ammonium. Nitrification then occurs turning the ammonium into nitrites, and another nitrification step turns nitrites to nitrates. These nitrates are absorbed by the plants and the cycle continues.

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Q: Does nitrogen cycle through the lithosphere hydrosphere and atmosphere?
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When there is not enough nitrogen in the atmosphere for plants how do the plants get it?

Plants can obtain nitrogen from the soil through their roots. They form symbiotic relationships with nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil, which convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can use. Additionally, decaying organic matter in the soil releases nitrogen that plants can absorb.

How is nitrogen returned to the air?

Nitrogen is returned to the air through the process of denitrification, where bacteria convert nitrates and nitrites back into nitrogen gas. This occurs in environments with low oxygen levels, such as wetlands, soils, and oceans. Additionally, nitrogen is released back into the air through volcanic activity.

What process releases nitrogen gas into the atmosphere?

Nitrogen (N2) is always in the atmosphere however if you are talking about how it gets released into the atmosphere after it is fixated by lightning absorbed by plants and eaten by 1st level consumers when they or the plant itself decomposes nitrogen it is released back into atmosphere.That's the short of it. Go to wikipedia or read a ecology journal if you wan't to know all the chemicals, reactions, etc in the process-MD

How is nitrogen returned to the atmosphere?

Nitrogen is returned to the atmosphere through a process called denitrification, where certain bacteria convert nitrates in the soil back into nitrogen gas, which is released into the air. This process helps maintain the balance of nitrogen in the environment.

Is precipitation linked to the nitrogen cycle?

precipitation is linked to the nitrogen cycle because air contains nitrogen and when the rail falls there's an average of about 12% nitrogen in the water that falls, which affects the nitrgen cycle by boosting nitrogen levels up to aproximetly 12g of nitrogen per 5m squared, which the added nitrogen levels may affect delicate ecosystems if not properly managed. The increase in nitrogen levels is often caused by gases containing nitrogen being released into the atmosphere.

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The bird flies through the atmosphere, drinks water from hydro, gets food on lithosphere and lives on biosphere.

Through which sphere does water constantly circulate?

Water moves among the hydrosphere, biosphere, lithosphere, and atmosphere.

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The Sun through electromagnetic waves

What is one source of energy for processes in earths lithosphere hydrosphere atmosphere and biosphere?

The Sun through electromagnetic waves

How do the lithosphere biosphere hydrosphere and atmosphere interact with one another?

The lithosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere interact through various processes. For example, the lithosphere provides a physical surface for organisms to live on, the biosphere plays a role in producing and consuming gases in the atmosphere, the hydrosphere supports life through water, and the atmosphere influences the climate and weather patterns that affect all the other spheres. Overall, these interactions create a dynamic Earth system where changes in one sphere can have cascading effects on the others.

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Phosphorus generally does not exist as gas

How does the four spheres relate to bushfires?

The four spheres (atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere) interact during bushfires. The atmosphere provides oxygen and heat, the lithosphere is where the fire burns and spreads, the hydrosphere influences fire spread through water sources, and the biosphere is directly impacted by the fires through destruction of habitats and loss of biodiversity. These spheres working together can either fuel or help mitigate bushfires.

What spheres are part of the water cycle?

The water cycle involves the atmosphere, hydrosphere (oceans, lakes, rivers), lithosphere (land surfaces), and biosphere (living organisms). These spheres work together to circulate water through processes like evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff.

How is the phosphorus cycle different from the carbon and nitrogen cycle?

The phosphorus cycle differs from the carbon and nitrogen cycles in various ways. Phosphorus primarily cycles through the lithosphere, while carbon cycles through the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere, and nitrogen cycles through the atmosphere and biosphere. Phosphorus is often a limiting nutrient in ecosystems, while carbon and nitrogen are more abundant and play larger roles in atmospheric processes.

How are earth's four speres connected to form a system?

The Earth's four spheres (atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and lithosphere) are interconnected through various processes. For example, the atmosphere interacts with the hydrosphere through precipitation, the lithosphere provides nutrients for the biosphere, and the biosphere influences the atmosphere through processes like photosynthesis. These interactions create a complex system where changes in one sphere can have cascading effects on the others.

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How the biosphere and the lithosphere interact with one another through the hydrosphere?

this is bull shitt