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Q: Does not allow electrons to move easily through it?
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A material that doesnt allow electrons to move through it easily is an? opposed to a conductor which does allow electrons to travel freely within it.

What does not allow electrons to move easily?

a brick i think

What are materials that allow electrons to move through them easily?

A conductor. Most metals are conductors-they enable electrons to move freely through them, carrying an electrical charge. Most non-metals (notably excluding graphite, an isotope of carbon) are insulators which means that they do not allow an electrical charge to be carried through them.

What is a material that doesn't allow charges to move through it easily?

Wood An insulator is a material that does not allow charges to move through it easily.

Something electrons move through easily?


Allows electrons to move through it easily?

A conductor

What is a material that allows electrons to move through it easily?

Conductors, a lot of metals are good in conducting (allow transport of) electrons, also ionized acid and salt solutions.

Does not electricity to move through it easily?

rubber would be an example of something that does not allow electricity to move through it easily

What do electrons move easily through?

conductors like metals

Materials through which electrons cannot move easily?


What is something electrons move easily through?

wires or tinfoil, or metal

Electrons do not move easily through?

If an electric current doesn't pass easily through a substance, such a substance is said to be an INSULATOR.