

Does oxygen have malleability

Updated: 5/21/2024
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15y ago

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no it does not have any no it does not have any

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2mo ago

Oxygen is a gas at room temperature and pressure, so it does not have malleability like solid metals do. Malleability is the ability of a material to be hammered or rolled into thin sheets without breaking, which is a property of solid metals.

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Q: Does oxygen have malleability
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Is oxygen a malleable or not malleable?

Oxygen is a gas and therefore not malleable. Malleability refers to the ability of a material to be deformed under compression without cracking or breaking. Since oxygen is not a solid, it does not possess malleability.

What part of speech is malleability?

Malleability is a noun.

What is oxygens malleability?

Oxygen is not malleable because it is a gas at room temperature and does not have a fixed shape or volume. It is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that makes up about 21% of Earth's atmosphere. Oxygen is a highly reactive element that is essential for most life forms to survive.

Is oxygen malleable or not?

Oxygen is a gas at room temperature and pressure, so it is not malleable. Malleability is a property that describes a material's ability to be hammered or rolled into thin sheets without breaking. Oxygen does not exhibit this property.

What type of property is malleability?

Malleability is a physical property.

Why is malleability is intensive property?

Why malleability are intensive property

What increases the malleability of cast iron?

The malleability is improved by annealing.

Is a malleability a extensive or a intensive property?

Malleability is an intensive property.

Is malleability a typical metal?

Malleability is not a type of metal. It is a property of metals.

What is the ability of a substance to be hammered or rolled into thin sheets is known as?

It is by using the term malleability that we describe the ability of a material or substance to be beaten into thin sheets without breaking or tearing. There is a link below to the Wikipedia article on ductility, and malleability is sometimes considered an "extension" of this property of materials.

Would malleability be a chemical or a physical property of matter?

Malleability is a physical property.

What is calciums malleability?

calciums malleability is undifined because nobody actually knows