

Does oxygen make you high

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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It can make you light headed, just try hyperventilating... It's not going to get you blitzed though.

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Why is the oxygen level between 6 am to 6 pm high?

because plants make oxygen with the help of sunlight and sunlight is present between 6 am to 6pm. so the oxygen level is high.

What burns to make charcoal?

Wood is burned at high temperature with a lack of oxygen to create charcoal.

What is the most abundant element in the earth?

The most abundant element on earth is Oxygen. But due to its high reactivity, most oxygen occurs in combined state, generally in oxides.

What is medical oxygen cylinder?

Medical oxygen is high-purity oxygen that is used for medical treatments and is developed for use in the human body. Medical oxygen cylinders contain a high purity of oxygen gas.

How is oxygen used in everyday life?

Well, for starters, oxygen is used by every living organism for their very essence of life. Humans need oxygen to make energy and plants need carbon dioxide, which contains the element oxygen, to make energy. As a tool, oxygen is very flammable so it is also used in some high-heat related jobs.

Does high altitude make you dizzy?

Lack of oxygen to the brain makes you dizzy. High altitude generally has lower density air, which gives you less oxygen in a given volume of breath than you would get with the same volume at a lower altitude.

What type of blood has low oxygen and high carbon dioxide?

Deoxygenated blood is low in oxygen and high in carbon dioxide.

Do we have oxygen poor blood in your lungs?

no you have oxygen high blood.

Are blueberries high in oxygen content?

I don't know of any foods high in oxygen. If you mean antioxidents, then yes blueberries are high in those.

How do you make artificial oxygen?

Oxygen is an element and it is not easy to make elements artificially.You can make artificial oxygen carriers that carry oxygen in the blood instead of hemoglobin.

High oxygen to low oxygen?

there is no such thing because we breath oxygen and breath out carbon dioxide

Why do mountaineers carry oxygen with them?

It is because at high altitudes the oxygen is not sufficient..........