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not realy poets are boring anyway

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Q: Does poetry have the power to change the world?
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Write a note on the elegiac quality of Matthew Arnold's poetry?

Matthew Arnold is the greatest elegiac poet in the world of poetry.His most famous elegiac poems are The Scholar Gipsy, Thyrsis, Dover Beach, A Summer Night, Rugby Chapel. His elegiac poetry is more than a mere expression pf sorrow. His poetry invariably becomes reflective and philosophical. Poetry according to Matthew Arnold is a criticism of life. This is quite true about his own poetry. Garrod rightly says: "His poetry, profoundly melancholic, runs from the world, runs from it, as I think, hurt, hurt in some vital part.

Why is some poetry written in stanzas?

to indicate a pause in the poem or a change in thought. kind of like a paragraph in an essay.

How many different types of poem are there?

there are 50,00,000 types of poems in the world you dummies

What has the author John Holloway written?

John Holloway has written: 'Language and intelligence' -- subject(s): Thought and thinking, Language and languages 'Victorian Sage Philosophy and Rhetoric In' 'The minute, and longer poems' 'Essays on the Indian mutiny' -- subject(s): History 'The lion hunt' -- subject(s): Poetry 'Change the World Without Taking Power' 'The colours of clarity' -- subject(s): Criticism, Literature, Modern, Literature, Education

Who wrote the first poem?

Actually, there is no record of when the first poem was written. Poetry has been written throughout the ages. There is ancient poetry such as the "Psalms" written by the Hebrew King David. There is Dark Age poetry such as "Beowulf". There is also medieval poetry such as the "Canterbury Tales". The styles of poetry have changed over the years and these examples may not be what we think of modern-day "poetry". Just like literature and every are, styles change with the era and are influenced by other events that occur in the world. Actually, poems first began in ancient Greece, India, and China going back to 600 BCE.

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How did Dr. Seuss change the world?

hustle loyalty and respect

When was Change the World Without Taking Power created?

Change the World Without Taking Power was created in 2002.

When power corrupts poetry cleanses mean?

Poetry has the ability to cut through the noise and reveal truths about power and corruption. It serves as a cleansing force by offering a different perspective and challenging the status quo, allowing for reflection and change.

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World War 1 change economic power the right way

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World War 1 change economic power the right way

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World War 1 change economic power the right way

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World War 1 change economic power the right way

How did world war 1 change the balance of economic power in world?

World War 1 change economic power the right way

What concept about change do some poetry selections address?

Some poetry selections address the concept of change through themes such as growth, loss, transformation, and the passage of time. These poems often explore how change can affect individuals, relationships, and the world around them, inviting readers to reflect on the inevitability and complexity of change.

What did Shakespeare's poetry have the power to do?


How did Dryden change poetry?


Why do you agree that epic poetry contributed to the western world?

Because all poetry contributes to the western world.