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Not usually, although it COULD, depending on the conditions of your release. It usually means that you could be remanded to jail to serve the remainder of your sentence behind bars instead of out walking around.

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Most unfortunatly it does. I was originally sentenced over ten years ago. Then violated probation twice. Each violation is on my record and it counts as a new conviction. So, instead of having one felony, I have three. Employers do not look at the original date of conviction. They will either look at your last violation date or release from prison.

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Q: Does a probation violation count as a new conviction date?
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Does the period for probation begin on the arrest date or the conviction date?

Neither actually, Probation starts either A. the first time you make contact with your Probation Officer (Supervised) or B. when you are finally sentenced to probation (unsupervised)

Is a a conviction date recorded before of after probation is complete?

The conviction date is the date you are actually found guilty. It is immediately entered as part of the record, even if you haven't been sentenced yet.

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no it will not it takes 5 years to do so

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They will keep looking and schedule a later Court date. Someone from the probation office will cover the case. The Court will not just forget.

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A DUI is typically recorded on your record from the date of conviction, not the date of arrest. Once you have been officially convicted of a DUI, it will show up on your record accordingly.

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It is not uncommon for the probation department to review your case shortly before discharge, then recommend a violation based upon your non-compliance. The hearing on such an end-of-probation violation may well occur after what would otherwise have been the discharge date.

Does a probation violation for drug paraphernalia ever go away after time?

This depends on what you mean by go away. If you were arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia while on probation this will always be on your arrest record. If you are referring to being on probation for drug paraphernalia and a probation violation warrant is active then no it will not go away. It is possible to get a lawyer to enter on the case and maybe get Court date without having to be arrested.

Can it be considered a probation violation if the 2nd crime was committed after the 1st crime you were probated for but before the trial date in which you were sentenced to probation?

NO, my boyfriend had the same issue. The only concern that I have is that if he was out on bond he could have violated that and they can revoke the bond.

How long before point drop off your license in Indiana?

In Indiana, points for a moving violation stay on your record for 2 years from the date of conviction.

Can a 19 year old on probation date a 16 year old girl?

The obvious answer is first, it depends on the conviction and the conditions of that probation. the other obvious answer is he may date her, however if he is even accused, rightly or wrongly, or sexual contact of any kind, he can and likely will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

How do you get points removed from your license in new york state?

After 18 months from day date of violation, NOT the date of conviction. Once 18 months have passed from the date of violation, the points will be removed from the license OR you can take DMV approved accident prevention course to remove upto 4 points even 18 months have not passed.

What is the difference between felony probation being terminated and expired?

If you have two felony cases that are being ran concurrent,and have had a bench warrant issued for violation of probation,yet probation end date has past after warrant was issued yet you have not turned yourself in or been arrested,why would they close the non controlling case and expire your probation,yet keep the controlling case that had a lower conviction charge and showing less time served on open? It was basically a crime bail crime..OR'd on the first two felony charges then arrested again given the same two felony charges in another county.