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Yes! It's science. Water expands as it freezes, so once the water is in a safe container e.g. Ziplock bag, it will conform to the shape of the shoe, and as it expands, stretch the material. This may be done multiple times until you achieve the desired "stretch".

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Q: Does putting ice in shoes really stretch them?
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How do you make a exchanged with Avon if shoes to smalls and ring to small?

Well you can stretch them with ice. Stretch your shoes with ice. Sounds a little bit crazy but anyone can make them fit. All you need are 2 plastic sandwich bags and 1 pair of mother shoes. This process can work on fake leather but remember fake leather can shrink back to it's original size. You will have to do it 2 or 3 times on fake leather. So, fill the bags with water. Fill it about 1/4. Put the bags in the shoes and put them in the freezer. If you live with someone make sure they're okay with shoes in the freezer because they're kind of freaked out when they see shoes in the freezer. Once the ice has fully harden let it out to thaw for good 20 minutes and it should slide right out. It should fit you. It should also feel nice and snug.

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Most ice skating costumes are made out of double-stretch lycra or other materials that are made to stretch in both directions.

What are shoes that start with the letter i?

Ice skates are shoes. They start with i.

Would you cool a bucket of water faster by putting ice into water or a bucket of water into ice?

You would cool a bucket by putting ice into the water.

What else can melt ice?

fire can melt ice plainly just leaving ice out on the counter top will melt it holding ice in the palm of your hand will melt it putting ice in a microwave/oven/mini oven putting ice outside in a hot day/warm sun(if its not cold out) putting ice in a hot liquid

Can you ice skate if your ice skating shoes are rusted?

no no-one can

When you lay down and put pressure on your left side of your head it really hurts what should you do Kathy in yulee?

Try putting an ice pack where the pain is.

Who thought of putting the Disney princesses on ice?

One would assume that the idea of putting the Disney's princesses on ice would be the Disney company themselves as a part of their Disney on ice shows.