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Q: Does red blood cell have a plasma membrane?
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Plasma membranes that have been isolated from red blood cell are not contaminted by internal cell membane?

Plasma membranes isolated from a red blood cell will not be contaminated with internal cell membrane (i.e. membrane from cell organelles - small structures found within cells) because red blood cells do not contain any organelles, so there will be no 'internal membrane' to contaminate.

How many times does an oxygen molecule cross a plasma membrane when moving from inside an alveolus to the hemoglobin of a red blood cell and what are the plasma membranes?

1. Into the cell of the alveolus 2.+3. Out of the alvealus into cell of the capillary wall 4. Out of the cell of the capillary wall and into blood plasma 5. Into the red blood cell. So 5.

Which is a function of the cell membrane in red blood cells?

What is the function of the cell membrane in red blood cells called

What is an example of active transport through a cell membrane?

Osmosis. Osmosis is the diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane. I'm assuming you mean active transport of plasma into a red blood cell.

What are the 4 things that make up the blood?

Red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma. :P

What does a hypertonic solution look like on a microscopic slide of red blood cells?

The cell would have fluid sucked through the plasma membrane and therefore the cell would shrink.

What membrane of the red cell will allow water oxygen carbon dioxide and glucose to pass through?

Plasma membrane

Do red blood cells have a cell membrane?

Yes, red blood cells (erythrocytes) have a cell membrane, but they don't contain a nucleus- thus they're described as enucleate.

What cell has a membrane bound organelle that is domain?

red blood cell, white blood cell, bone marrow

True or false red blood cell are made in the plasma?


What part of blood transport glucose?

Blood transports glucose through our nerve system and also through the red blood cells.Glucose is transported to the cells by a uni porter. It passes through the erythrocytes membrane (red cell membrane) and as soon as it enters, it is turned into a chemical and/or a source for energy.

What makes human plasma?

Human blood plasma is made of blood cells(other than the red blood cell), nutrients/minerals and water.