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no it doesn't help. what you should do is place a cold item in a wraped in a tea towle or a bath towel and place it on the bruise

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Q: Does rubbing bruises help them go away?
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What is the purpose of iodex ointment uses?

I use Iodex Ointment to disolve bruises quickly. I am not sure if the bruises go away quicker as a result of the ointment or as a result of the repeated rubbing, but the effect is that a bruise will go away typically in 4-5 days versus the 2 weeks it generally takes to fade.

Will rubbing alcohol make a headache go away?

It will help with the pain of your headache yes. As well as lower the fever. Don't over do it and don't under do it.

Will a birthmark go away if you put rubbing alcohol on it?

No, alcohol is not going to do anything to it.

Are there certain foods that can make bruises go away faster?

Pineapples and pineapple juice will help the body absorb a bruise faster. Orange juice is filled with vitamin c that helps the body heal faster, as well.

How long does it take for bruises to go away on your face?

a week or so depending on the severity but facial bruises recover faster than other areas since it is so well vascularized.

Quick way to get rid of hickeys?

Hickey's are bruises, plain and simple. They go away with time...If you're desperate, go try bruise remedies. Otherwise, use makeup.

Is there a common cause for bruises that won't go away AND extreme hair loss because I'm having both of these issues and they began around the same time?

Go see a doctor.

Who does a friend go to if she comes to school with bruises on her face and neck?

i think that you should go start to your friend and make sure there ok and see if they wont you to help on do something x

What is a hard lump and a bruise mean?

Bruises mean that some capillaries broke, and they bled under the skin. The hard lump is most likely from the bleeding. As the bruise fades away, the lump should go away with it.

What can you do to help an abused person?

you cant help someone unless they want to be helped. if they do what you need to do is get them out of the situation, call the ploce,take pics. of the bruises and scars and go to court and prove that abuser guilty.

Do treatment of contusions requires surgical intervention?

No, a contusion merely means bruising. Bruises look worse sometimes than the actual injury. As a contusion heals, the blood from broken small blood vessels will be reabsorbed, changing the bruise to yellow, greens, and black before lightening and finally going away. It can take weeks for bruises to fully go away.

Where do you go for help to get rid of your abuser so you can hiding the bruises he is causing you secretly?

You could try a Women's Center For Abused And Battered Women...they can help protect and advise you on what to do about your abusive husband (spouse boyfriend ect...)